Charlotte de Polignac (Lady Oscar)

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Charlotte de Polignac
First appearance Mother, Her Name is...? (Lady Oscar)
Last appearance Farewell, My Sister (Lady Oscar
Cause/Reason Suicide
Age 11
Year of Birth Unknown
Year of Death She died at 11.
Family Polignac
Spouse Compromised with Duke de Guiche.
Relatives Mother: Duchess de Polignac Sister: Rosalie Lamorlière
Created by Riyoko Ikeda

Charlotte de Polignac, daughter of the Duchess de Polignac. She kept the white rose that represented her frienship with Lady Oscar until her death.

[edit] Encounter with Rosalie

[edit] Now the Time of Encounter

[edit] Charlotte's death

The Rose of Versailles - Lady Oscar
Berusaiyu no Bara
Anime: List of episodes
Manga: Berusaiyu no Bara | BeruBara 1st Gaiden | BeruBara 2nd Gaiden
Movies: Lady Oscar (movie) | Inochi (seimei) arukagiri aishite
Main: Oscar François de Jarjayes | André Grandier | Marie Antoinette | Hans Axel von Fersen
Secondary: General Jarjayes | Lady Jarjayes | Oscar's Nanny
Versailles: Louis XV | Louis XVI | Madame du Barry | Lady de Polignac | Charlotte de Polignac | Rosalie Lamorlière | Jeanne Valois de la Motte | Nicholas de la Motte | Duke of Orleans | Henri de Guéméné | Cardinal de Rohan | Duke de Guiche
Marie-Antoinette children: Marie Therese | Louis Joseph | Louis Charles
Austria: Maria Theresa | Count de Mercy | Joseph II
Imperial and Militar Guard: Count of Gerodere | Alain de Soissons
French Revolution: Maximilien Robespierre | Saint Just | Bernard Châtelet
Others: Nicole Lamorlière | Dianne de Soissons
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