Charlotte Morgan (The O.C.)

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Charlotte Morgan
Image:Charlotte Morgan.jpg
Jeri Ryan as Charlotte Morgan
First appearance The Aftermath
(episode 3.01)
Last appearance The Anger Management (episode 3.07)
Cause/Reason Scam foiled
Gender Female
Age unknown
Occupation Con Artist
Spouse Glen
Episode Count 7
Portrayed by Jeri Ryan
Created by Josh Schwartz

Charlotte Morgan is a fictional character from the third season of the FOX television series The O.C., played by Jeri Ryan.

Charlotte was introduced to viewers in the season 3 episode The Aftermath, she was introduced as an alcohol addict but in later episodes it turned out she was a con artist.

She at first tried to get money from Kirsten Cohen however this failed and she was forced to try Julie Cooper-Nichol, they planned to throw a fundraiser however this was a ruse by Charlotte to steal all the donations, although she was found out by Julie when she went into her handbag at a restaurant and found numerous credit cards in different names. Charlotte gets Julie in on the scam however in episode 3.07 Julie does the right thing and asks people to write checks to the charity so Charlotte could not steal the money, her plan foiled she deperated.

The O.C.
Episode List | Official Website
Current Main Characters Ryan Atwood | Kirsten Cohen | Sandy Cohen | Seth Cohen
Julie Cooper | Kaitlin Cooper | Summer Roberts | Taylor Townsend
Former Main Characters Marissa Cooper (S1 - S3) | Jimmy Cooper (S1) | Luke Ward (S1) | Caleb Nichol (S2)
Recurring Characters

Dawn Atwood | Trey Atwood | Lance Baldwin | Rebecca Bloom
Carter Buckley | Reed Carlson | Sophie Cohen | Theresa Diaz
Lindsay Gardner | Johnny Harper | Alex Kelly | Charlotte Morgan
Hailey Nichol | Neil Roberts | Jess Sathers | Anna Stern
Zach Stevens | Veronica Townsend | Oliver Trask | Kevin Volchok

Places Newport Beach | Orange County | Chino