Charles Arnold

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Charles Arnold, formally Charles N. Arnold, was Mayor of Honolulu from 1927 to 1929.

Preceded by
John H. Wilson
Mayor of Honolulu
Succeeded by
George F. Wright

Charles (P.) Arnold (was never the mayor of Honolulu though he would love to be, and was not born until 1947) (is) was an active wiccan pratitioner, born in the Us (Washington, DC), and was a profesor (administrative assistant) at Humber Collge in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He is credited for creating the first time that pagan practices were considered a religion. He requested that he have a day off (a pagan holiday) to which the college refused. He took them to court (The Ontario Labout Board under the auspices of the Ontario Minister of Labour), because this violated his religious rights, and won.