Chaos Earth

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cover of Rifts Chaos Earth featuring a Chromium Guardsman
cover of Rifts Chaos Earth featuring a Chromium Guardsman

Chaos Earth is a fantasy role-playing game from Palladium Books. It is a spinoff and prequel to their popular game Rifts, which uses a similar form of Palladium's megaversal system.

Chaos Earth was originally intended to be a parallel dimension to Rifts where the massive deaths were caused a minute after midnight when the released PPE was magnified. Everything that happened in Rifts happened on a smaller scale in Chaos Earth. In Chaos Earth, most of humanity survives and has to fend off the supernatural. This game style can be played in Palladium's Nightbane series. Sometime after its original press description in an early Rifter, the game changed from a parallel dimension to Rifts history. Some say due to more interest in Rifts' past rather than another dimension being fleshed out. So now in the Palladium megaverse, the Chaos Earth setting is the period in Earth during which rips in space-time known as rifts ripped apart mankind.

Palladium Books
Current role-playing games
Fantasy - Palladium Fantasy
Horror - Beyond the Supernatural | Nightbane
Martial arts/war - Ninjas and Superspies | Recon
Post-apocalyptic - After The Bomb | Chaos Earth | Rifts | Splicers | Systems Failure
Superhero - Heroes Unlimited
Out of print role-playing games
Anime/comics - Macross II | Robotech | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness
Science fiction - The Mechanoid Invasion

List of role-playing games by genre