Chabad on Campus Foundation

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Chabad on Campus is the college wing of the Chabad Lubavitch movement. With "full service" branches on over 85 North American campuses, and serving another 300 campuses globally, the organization is the fastest growing Jewish organization on college campuses today.

The Chabad on Campus National Foundation assists local Chabad Student Centers worldwide. This includes logistical support and staff training, as well as centralized programming such as national Shabbatons and student leadership retreats. The Foundation provides grants to encourage creative local programming.

In 2005, the Jewish Learning Institute paired with Chabad on Campus to create a series of intensive learning sessions under the name Sinai Scholars. The initiative was a huge success during the 2005/06 school year. All participants were selected and accepted into the program based on personal commitment to learning and ability to attend and complete all aspects of the courses.

[edit] History

The first Chabad House was started on the UCLA campus in the 1960's. More recently the Foundation, with the assistance of visionary philanthropists George and Pamela Rohr of New York, has set an ambitious course of expansion. Indeed, since 2001 the Chabad campus presence has tripled.

[edit] See also

Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life

[edit] External links