Centre for Strategic Studies New Zealand

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The Centre for Strategic Studies:New Zealand (CSS:NZ) is a international and military affairs research centre located in Wellington, New Zealand. Formerly jointly supported by the New Zealand Ministry of Defence, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Victoria University of Wellington, it is now a part of Victoria University's School of Government.

Established in 1993 following a perceived need to examine NZ's international relations and situation more closely, it has had three directors. Terence O'Brien, a former New Zealand diplomat who had chaired the United Nations Security Council, was appointed as Director when CSS:NZ was established. David Dickens, the former Deputy Director, took over when Mr O'Brien finished his term, and was in his turn succeeded by Peter Cozens, who had been the Centre's Administrator dealing with Council for Security and Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (CSCAP) matters. As the Centre is now under the wing of Victoria University's Institute of Policy Studies, itself part of the School of Government, Mr Cozens took the title of Executive Director.

Apart from the director, the Centre has at various times included a Deputy Director, research fellows from the People's Republic of China and Japan, research associates and assistants, administrators, and support staff.

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