Central Park Media

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Central Park Media is a distributor of East Asian cinema, television, and comics. They are based out of New York City.

  • Asia Pulp Cinema is their East-Asian film distribution division.
  • US Manga Corps is their anime distribution division. USMC is one of the older North American anime distributors. The USMC mascot is MD Geist, a popular anime from the 90's. Their motto: World peace through shared popular culture.
  • Software Sculptors is their other anime distribution division.
  • Anime 18 is their hentai anime distribution division.
  • Anime HotShots is a recently-added division, specializing in re-releasing hentai anime previously released by Anime 18.
  • Manga 18 is their hentai manga publication division.


[edit] Anime licensed under "U.S. Manga Corps"

[edit] Anime licensed under "Software Sculptors"

[edit] H anime licensed under "Anime 18"

Anime HotShots re-release indicated by *

[edit] Trivia

Many of the DVD's released feature music by Evil Adam on the trailers and special features sections of the DVD's and also as the main theme for Ultimate Crop Circles: Signs from Space?[citation needed]

In many of the early releases by CPM there was a music video of the CPM catalog done to the theme from Genocyber.

[edit] Recent financial problems

On May 26 2006, Central Park Media laid off many of its employees, and rumors erupted that the company was planning to declare bankruptcy, supported by a statement from a representative at the Anime Boston convention. The following Monday the company's managing director issued a statement acknowledging the lay-offs and attributing the cost-cutting to creditor problems following the January bankruptcy of the Musicland group. Currently, the company has continued to set release dates for new titles, and appears to have no plans to file for bankruptcy.

The previous year, in 2005, CPM discontinued their CPM Manga and CPM Manhwa line, also due to monetary problems.

[edit] External links