Cemal Gürsel

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Cemal Gürsel
Cemal Gürsel

Cemal Gürsel (October 13, 1895September 14, 1966), a statesman and a soldier, was a Turkish army officer, political leader and the 4th president of Turkey.


[edit] Early life

He was born in Erzurum as the son of a Turkish Ottoman army officer and the grandson of a Pasha (general) in 1895. After the elementary school in Ordu and the military middle school in Erzincan, he graduated from the Kuleli military high school in İstanbul. He was a popular figure and was therefore nicknamed “Cemal Aga” (big brother Cemal) since his childhood school years and onwards all his life.

During the World War I , he participated in the Battle of Çanakkale as an artillery lieutenant in 1915. He later fought at the Palestine and Syria fronts in 1917 and became a prisoner of war by the British while suffering malaria during the command of his 41st Battery on 19 September 1918. He was kept as a POW in Egypt until 06 October 1920. During his presidency much later, when interviewed by the foreign press as to why he had not learned English during his captivity, he somewhat regretfully recalled that he was so frustrated to be a captive, he protested and studied French in the British camp instead.

After his release, he returned to Anatolia to re-join Mustafa Kemal subsequent to Erzurum Congress and took part in all the western front campaigns in the Turkish War of Independence between 1920-1923.

He was married, in 1927, to Melahat, the daughter of a navy officer who served on Frigate Hamidiye, and they had one son, Muzaffer.

[edit] Military career

Gürsel attended the military academy and graduated in 1929 as a staff officer. From 1946 on, he served in all general ranks up to four-star general including chief of intelligence and was appointed as the Commander of Land Forces in 1958 when he was in command of the 3rd Army.

He, as an easy-going and fatherly figure with a fine sense of humor, was well-liked both nationally and in NATO circles, and had earned the respect and confidence of both the nation and the armed forces with his professional knowledge and demeanor. A patriotic memorandum he sent in April of 1960 to the Minister of Defense in an effort to establish checks and balances on ongoing affairs, reflecting his personal views in continuation of the chat they had the night before, expressing his support to the prime minister Adnan Menderes and belief that the Prime Minister should become the next President to bolster a much needed national unity, resulted in his suspension from his post on May 3 forcing early retirement instead of becoming the next chairman of the joint chiefs of staff.

A farewell letter by him, advocating and urging the army to stay out of politics, was forwarded to all units of the armed forces at the time of his departure on leave. He went to İzmir where he became the president of the Anti-Communism Association of Turkey.

[edit] Head of state

The military overthrew the government without the participation or leadership of Cemal Gursel on May 27, 1960 after continuing civilian and academia unrests throughout the country. Because of his immense popularity among the public and military ranks, Gürsel was subsequently chosen and brought in as the leader of the military coup that sent President Celal Bayar, Prime Minister Adnan Menderes, Chief of Staff General Rustu Erdelhun and some other members of the ruling Demokrat Parti (The Democratic Party) to a military court on Yassıada in the Sea of Marmara, accusing them for violence of constitution. The day after the coup, he was declared the commander in chief, Head of state, Prime minister and Minister of Defense of the 24th government on May 30, 1960, in theory giving him more absolute powers than even Kemal Ataturk had ever had.

Gürsel addressing The Nation
Gürsel addressing The Nation

He freed 200 students and nine newsmen, licensed 14 banned newspapers to start publishing again and fetched seven professors from Istanbul University to help draft a provisional constitution (Time, June 6, 1960). A simple and conservative sort, General Gursel, became Turkey's most popular figure, forbade display of his picture alongside Ataturk's in government offices, rode about in an open Jeep touring rural communities, talking to the peasants almost as if they were his children (Time, January 6, 1961). His plea for forgiveness and attempts along with several other world leaders for the reversal of the execution sentences and for the release of most of the arrested politicians were rejected by the Junta. Cemal Gürsel resisted pressure to continue military rule, was wounded as a result of a military assassination attempt on his life (forgave the colonel who shot him), thwarted subsequent multiple military coup attempts, appointed the organizers of the coup to overseas posts and played an important role in the preparation of a new constitution and return to the democratic order in Kemalist vision.

[edit] Statesman

The constitution, which brought for the first time a full text of civil and political rights under constitutional protection along with an improved system of checks and balances in Turkish history, was approved by a referendum held on October 10, 1961.

When questioned by a German journalist regarding his intentions on becoming the next president upon proposal of the interim parliament, he responded that he was ready to serve only if asked by the nation, not by the interim house. He neither put his own candidacy forward for the president nor lobbied for his election or against any other candidate in any way. He offered his endorsement of candidacy of several high rank academics of Turkey for both the interim prime minister and future president positions. He placed a special emphasis on participatory democracy with the promotion of the full interests of the nation's minorities, appointing ethnic leaders Hermine Kalustyan of Armenian, Laskari of Greek and Erol Dilek of Jewish origin as his "Deputy Representatives of Head of State" and the full members of the interim House of Representatives. The editor of Shalom, Avram Leyon, accompanied him to his travels and foreign state functions. The Turkish Grand National Assembly was re-opened after the general elections, nominated and voted him as the fourth president of Turkey.

Head of State Gürsel and NATO Commander Gen. Norstad, USAF, October 29, 1960
Head of State Gürsel and NATO Commander Gen. Norstad, USAF, October 29, 1960

He took an active role in extensive modernization of Turkish Armed Forces and the staunch defense of the free world and Europe during the cold war, in particular during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The declaration of independency of Cyprus according to the prior agreements and the deployment of a Turkish military unit to Cyprus took place in August 1960. With the reduction of tensions between the West and the Soviet bloc, he sought improved relations for his county’s population of 27.8 million with the Soviet Union, such as the initiation of a telephone line agreement, as with the other members of the Western alliance while initiating new credit agreements with the US and the UK as well as bilateral technical and investment relations with Germany in 1960s. He hosted the visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Ankara in early 1961 and the visit of the vice president Lyndon Johnson in 1962.

Gürsel and Queen Elizabeth
Gürsel and Queen Elizabeth

The atomic reactor in Istanbul became operational in 1962 along with his establishment of the first Research and State Library of the government in two years after his administration started. He promoted the grant of the freedom of and the legal rights to form unions and to go on strike in the country. On November 7 1964, Cemal Gürsel granted presidential pardon for the life sentence of the previous president Celal Bayar. He initiated the new era of planned economy in Turkey, formed a State Institute of Statistics, launched the State Planning Organization (DPT) that implemented "The First 5-Years Development Plan" and moved Turkey, through his close and personal diplomatic dialogues with Charles DeGaulle and Konrad Adenauer, into the direction of European Union membership with Ankara Agreement, signed with France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Luxembourg in 1963, resulting in associate membership the following year and a large Turkish workforce migration to Germany and the west Europe to assist their postwar industrial development.

When the Cypriot leader who was exiled out of the UK previously in 1956 on the basis of his "support on terrorism and being the greatest obstacle on the path of peace", threatened in November 1963 to amend basic articles of the 1960 constitution guaranteeing the rights of ethnic Turks on the island, communal violence ensued and Turkey, Great Britain and Greece, the guarantors of the agreements which had led to Cyprus' independence, wanted to send a NATO force to the island under the command of General Young.

Gursel reformed the "Teskilat-i Mahsusa", the "Special Organization" of clandestine security services to a modern National Intelligence Agency in response to and preparation against escalating international terrorism trends in 1963. He paved the way to Middle Eastern countries and Pakistan to concentrate on economic and cultural matters of mutual interest and Ankara recognized Syria following the breakup of the old United Arab Republic in 1961, further reestablishing diplomatic relations with Egypt in 1965. In July 1964, Pakistani President Ayub Khan, Turkish President Cemal Gursel, and Shah Muhammad Reza of Iran announced in Istanbul the establishment of the Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) organization to promote transportation and joint economic projects also envisioning Afghanistan and possibly Indonesia joining at some time in the future.

Gürsel Presidential Swearing-In
Gürsel Presidential Swearing-In

He brought the Microwave Telecommunications Network into operation increasing telephone and teletype capacity along with a High-Frequency Radio Link connecting London and Ankara with Rawalpindi, Karachi, Tehran and Istanbul. He laid the foundations of the new agricultural and structural development plans for the south-eastern Anatolian regions in early 1960s for the first time. He added the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to the cabinet for the first time. In November 1965, under his administration, The School of Press and Broadcasting was opened at the College of Political Sciences in Ankara. The production of the first domestic Turkish automobile, Devrim (Revolution), took place with his directive. Gursel founded The National Security Council (MGK) as well as the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) in 1963, appointing Professor Cahit Arf as its first director, officially charging TUBITAK primarily with governmental advisory duty by legislation.

[edit] Illness

President Gürsel, 1966
President Gürsel, 1966

Because of a paralysis that started in early 1966 and progressed quickly, Cemal Gürsel was flown February 2 to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C on the private airplane "BlueBird" sent by US President Lyndon B. Johnson. One week later, he fell into a coma there. The government decided he return to Turkey on March 24. With a report of a medical committee by Gülhane Military Hospital in Ankara, the parliament ruled on March 28, 1966 that his presidency be terminated due to ill health in accordance with the constitution . He died of apoplexy on September 14, 1966 in Ankara. He left behind no directives or last will. He was laid to rest at the "Freedom Martyrs Memorial" section in the yard of the mausoleum of Ataturk. His body was transferred on August 27, 1988 to a permanent burial place in the newly built Turkish State Cemetery.[1]

[edit] Legacy

Among all of his achievements and great modesty in his down-to-earth plain demeanor, he tried to place the most emphasis on the need for a well-educated youth and a hard-working population with high standards of ethics for a westernized democratic progress in Ataturk's tradition (commentary by Imran Oktem, Chief Supreme Court Justice - Yargitay, 1966). His portrait as a statesman and soldier remained next to Ataturk's in most homes in Turkey for a long time. The Stadium in Erzurum, some schools and streets were named after him.

[edit] About him

  • "I took over the administration of the state to stop the tragic course of events." (Cemal Gursel, radio address on the evening of May 27, 1960)
  • "The network was ready. I personally did not want the army to intervene and had been stopping the attempts (of takeover) of my younger friends. Things reached to such a state that despite my belief that the army should not interfere I let them free in their duties. Now my only goal is to reinstate an administration built on the principles of justice and ethics." (Cemal Gursel, An interview. Cumhuriyet, July 16, 1960)
  • "General Gursel may be described as the father of the second Turkish Republic similar to Ataturk being the father of modern Turkey. At a time of deep division, Gursel earned and maintained the respect of the Turkish Nation that regarded him as the symbol of national unity. When he passed away, he had the identity of the trusted father of the nation." (Prof. Bernard Lewis, September 15, 1966)
  • "A few days before the coup, it was known that the coup was imminent but General Cemal Gursel was dismissed as a non-political general. No leading role by General Cemal Gursel was determined despite the foreknowledge of the plot." (The CIA; The Inside Story by Andrew Tully, pages 51, 53. Crest books, 1962)
  • "On May 27, he (Cemal Gursel) was hurriedly requested to come (from his residence in Izmir) to the capital (Ankara) to assume the leadership of National Unity Committee." (The Turkish Revolution, Aspects of Military politics. By Walter Weiker. pages 121, 122. The Brookings Institution, 1963)
  • "When May 27 revolt occurred, Cemal Gursel was not a participant. He was invited to become the head due to the circumstances and he willingly accepted." (Burhan Felek, Milliyet, Page 2, September 18, 1971)
  • "General Gursel was brought in to the NUC chairmanship by the revolution team when he was in retirement preparation. In actuality he was in the position of a chairman found in last minute with a hurried search. He never was the responsible leader for a true leader is not to be appointed but is self-appointed." (By a leading member of the NUC)
  • "One of the core players of the coup, Orhan Erkanli told that they revolted on May 27 without knowing what to do on May 28. No one, including Cemal Gursel knew who and how many would be forming the NUC. In actuality, even Cemal Gursel was brought in later." (Years of Ismet Pasha of our Democracy, 1960-61 by Metin Toker, page 25. Bilgi. 1998)
  • "It is now known that the coup was the result of years of planning on the part of conspirators, a number of radical colonels and ranks below in their early forties. He (Cemal Gursel) was not involved in the details of the organization of the coup d’etat. When the coup had succeeded, he was brought to Ankara." (Turkey, A modern History by Erik Zurcher. pages 253,254. I.B. Tauris, 2003)
  • "We just see that a few very important lines in his letter (to the Minister of Defence) had been censored. That means we are going without learning the true history, without knowing who knows what facts and what true pictures of turning points." (Çetin Altan, Author, Journalist, September 2006)
    Head of State
    Head of State
  • "Where are we now and where are the nations such as Portugal, Greece and Spain with whom we departed for the competition of development in 1960s? While we still crawl around $5000 per capita income, they have caught $20K pci a long while ago. Embarrassment, with one word." (Hasan Cemal, Milliyet, October 2006)
  • "We built an automobile with the mentality of the West and we forgot to put gasoline in it with the mentality of the East." (Cemal Gursel, President, on the Anniversary of the Turkish Republic, 29 October 1963)

Dear General Gursel:

It is a great pleasure for me to send greetings to you and to the Turkish people on the occasion of the opening of the Turkish Constituent Assembly. This historic event is a further tangible demonstration of Turkish dedication to democratic ideals and of its determination to build a solid foundation for the future. Please extend my best wishes to the members of this Assembly for the success of the important work on which they are embarking. Sincerely,"

Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Dear Mr. President:

I congratulate you on your election as President of the Republic of Turkey. I also wish to congratulate, in the name of the United States Government and its people, the Turkish Government and people for their success in promulgating a new constitution and in establishing a freely-elected Grand National Assembly. As you assume your Presidential responsibilities, let me assure you of my country's dedication to the firm friendship and co-operation which have consistently characterized Turco-American relations. We are united in our aims of preserving the security of our homelands and creating a world where mankind can live in peace and freedom. In these cherished causes, we are proud to work side by side with the Government and people of Turkey. Please accept my warmest greetings and best wishes. Sincerely,"

John F. Kennedy

Record released by Presidents Kennedy and Gursel on the 40th Anniversary of the Turkish Republic
Record released by Presidents Kennedy and Gursel on the 40th Anniversary of the Turkish Republic

"Dear Mr President Gursel:

I send warm greetings to you and the Turkish people on this fortieth anniversary of the founding of the Republic. The United States is proud of its association with Turkey in an alliance that rests on common aspirations and mutual interests. The American people admire the resolute spirit and manifest courage of the Turkish people. To this end, we welcome Turkey's new five-year development program, and wish it the fullest success. We will continue to hold firmly to this policy of cooperation, which has so greatly advanced our common interests and added so much to the defensive strength of the free world. Sincerely,"

John F. Kennedy

The Times, London

President Cemal Gursel described President Kennedy on the radio tonight as “a pioneer in the great struggles of humanity, a determined fighter for world peace and a firm friend of the Turkish Nation. Every Turkish family feels a personal grief at this horrible crime” he said.

  • Message to President Sunay of Turkey

"Dear Mr. President:

I extend to you and to the government and people of Turkey my condolences and those of my fellow Americans on the passing of former President Cemal Gursel. We are all saddened at the loss of this good man, whose ideals and accomplishments we have long respected. He was a wise and valiant leader, dedicated to the preservation of democracy and the safety of his nation and the Free World. The close ties of friendship existing between our two countries make us feel the more deeply Turkey's loss. Our hearts are with you in your sorrow. Sincerely,"

Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Message to Mrs. Cemal Gursel

"Dear Mrs. Gursel:

Mrs. Johnson and I extend our heartfelt sympathy on the passing of your distinguished husband. The memory of his lifetime as a soldier and statesman in the service of the highest ideals will be a legacy of inspiration to us all. We in America share your bereavement in the loss of this great and good man. You can be assured that our thoughts and prayers were always with him in his illness and that they are now with you in your grief. Sincerely," Lyndon B. Johnson

The last photograph
The last photograph

A number of people from those of the old

And a few from those of later times

Brothers facing each other on thrones of dignity

No pettiness will they hear in there

And not even a little of sinful talk

Only the saying “Peace! Peace!” (56:13-26; 15:47)

[edit] References

  1. ^ Transport of Cemal Gürsel's body to the State Cemetery. Press Agency of the Turkish Government website (Turkish).
Preceded by:
Adnan Menderes
Prime Minister of Turkey
Succeeded by:
Emin Fahrettin Özdilek
Preceded by:
Celal Bayar
President of Turkey
Succeeded by:
Cevdet Sunay