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//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // [[User:Celestianpower]]'s monobook. // Most of it copied from some place or other and where it is, I've tried to give a source. // If you want to copy any of it, I'd be flattered. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Interiot's javascript edit counter if (document.title.indexOf('User:Interiot/Tool2/code.js') != -1) { document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + '' + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>'); } //<nowiki> History tools document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + '' + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>'); //</nowiki>[[Category:Wikipedia administrators who use VoA script|{{PAGENAME}}]] // Filter changes live // [[User:Lupin/recent2.js]] - please include this line document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + '' + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>'); 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} function fairusedelete(){ document.forms.deleteconfirm.wpReason.value = 'Orphanned fair use image (' + '[[' + 'WP:CSD' + ']]' + ' I5)'; } function replace(){ var s = prompt("Search regexp?"); if(s){ var r = prompt("Replace regexp?"); if(!r && r != '') return; var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1; txt.value = txt.value.replace(new RegExp(s, "g"), r); } } function afdresult(){ var res = prompt("Result?"); var day = prompt("On which day was it nominated?"); if(!res) return; var form = document.editform; form.wpSummary.value = 'AFD result'; var txt = form.wpTextbox1; txt.value += '{{oldafdfull|date=[[' + day + ']] [[2005]]|result=' + res + '|votepage={{subst:PAGENAME}}}}'; txt.focus(); } // appends msg to the currently-editted page, sets the summary to summ, // and marks or unmarks the Watch this page checkbox according to watch. function edit_summary_watch(msg, summ, watch) { var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1; if (t.value.length > 0) t.value += '\n'; t.value += msg; f.wpSummary.value = summ; 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PageMenu = new PortletMenu( 'p-cactions' ); NavMenu = new PortletMenu( 'p-navigation' ); //ToolMenu = new PortletMenu( 'p-tb' ); // This is inefficient and not particularly robust. // This comes first, I want this link to come up as // fast as possible. // function GetByClass( sElem, sClass ) { var i, a2 = [], a = document.getElementsByTagName( sElem ); for ( i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) if ( a[ i ].className == sClass ) a2.push( a[ i ] ); return a2; } var a, td = GetByClass( 'td', 'diff-otitle' ); if ( ( td = td[ 0 ] ) && ( a = td.getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[ 0 ] ) ) a.href = a.href + '&action=edit'; // need to change text, later var userName = UserMenu.getText( 'pt-userpage' ); // personal (top-most) menu // // Celestianpower Háblame Prefs Watchlist Contribs Kate VAN ESP Log out <UTCdate> // UserMenu.setText( 'pt-mytalk' , 'Háblame' ); UserMenu.setText( 'pt-preferences', 'Prefs' ); UserMenu.setText( 'pt-watchlist' , 'Watchlist' ); UserMenu.setText( 'pt-mycontris' , 'Contribs' ); UserMenu.setText( 'pt-logout' , 'Log out' ); // UserMenu.setHref( 'pt-mycontris', '' + userName + '&offset=0&limit=500' ); // // // it seems there is a stylesheet that makes them lowercase // // ok, the lowercased menu items are starting to really bug me: // document.getElementById( 'p-personal' ).getElementsByTagName( 'ul' )[0].style.textTransform = 'none'; // UserMenu.insertBefore( 'pt-stat', 'pt-esp', 'ESP', 'irc://' ); UserMenu.insertBefore( 'pt-esp', 'pt-vandal', 'VAN', 'irc://' ); UserMenu.insertBefore( 'pt-utc', 'pt-kate', 'Kate', 'javascript:void InlineKate( "' + userName + '" )' ); if(document.getElementById('ca-edit')) document.getElementById('ca-edit').firstChild.innerHTML = 'Edit'; // so I always know what time it is in UTC land: // UserMenu.append( 'pt-utc', UTCTime(), 'javascript:void UserMenu.setText("pt-utc",UTCTime())' ); // article-actions menu, (the "tabs") // if ( PageMenu[ 'ca-history' ] ) // theory: if it has a history tab, then it's purgable { PageMenu.insertBefore( 'ca-history', 'ca-lastdiff', 'Last diff', PageMenu.getHref( 'ca-history' ).replace( /action=history/, 'diff=0' ) ); 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a.href = url; a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( txt ) ); li.appendChild( a ); this[ id ] = li; // watch this!!! return li; } this.append = function( id, txt, url ) { this.list.appendChild( this.newItem( id, txt, url ) ); } this.insertBefore = function( old, id, txt, url ) { this.list.insertBefore( this.newItem( id, txt, url ), this[ old ] ); } // the ByTagName here is a bit annoying, but in Safari, I was picking // up TextNodes by using this[ id ].firstChild.firstChild // this.getText = function( id ) { return this[ id ].getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[ 0 ] } this.setText = function( id, txt ) { this[ id ].getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[ 0 ] = txt } this.getHref = function( id ) { return this[ id ].getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[ 0 ].href } this.setHref = function( id, url ) { this[ id ].getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[ 0 ].href = url } // I add em as I need em.... } function InlineKate( user ) { var kate = '' + user + '&dbname=enwiki'; var div = document.createElement( 'div' ); = 'inlineKateDiv'; = 'absolute'; = 1000; = '20px'; = '20px'; = '#FFFFFF'; = 'solid'; = ' medium'; = '#000000'; var top = document.createElement( 'div' ); = 'inlineKateTop'; = 'right'; = '8px'; = '#DDDDDD'; var a = document.createElement( 'a' ); a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "Go to Kate's" ) ); a.href = kate; = '_parent'; = '8px'; top.appendChild( a ); a = document.createElement( 'a' ); a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Close' ) ); a.href = "javascript:void RemoveNode('inlineKateDiv')"; = '8px'; top.appendChild( a ); div.appendChild( top ); var iframe = document.createElement( 'iframe' ); = 'inlineKateBot'; = '300px'; = '400px'; = '8px'; = 'solid'; = 'thin'; = '#000000'; iframe.src = kate; div.appendChild( iframe ); document.body.appendChild( div ); } function RemoveNode( id ) { var node = document.getElementById( id ) node.parentNode.removeChild( node ); } function UTCTime() { // Get a date stamp for the time in UTC-land. // // for the future: a format arg // var s = '', d = new Date(), a = 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'.split(' '); return d.getUTCDate() + ' ' + a[ d.getUTCMonth() ] + ' ' + d.getUTCFullYear() + ' ' + ( '0' + d.getUTCHours() ).substr( -2 ) + ':' + ( '0' + d.getUTCMinutes() ).substr( -2 ) + ' ' + 'UTC'; } SoFixItInit(); window.addEventListener( 'load', SoFixItLoad, false ); } function NUPatrol() { if ( ( window.location.href.indexOf( 'Special%3ALog&type=newusers' ) == -1 ) && ( window.location.href.indexOf( 'Special:Log/newusers' ) == -1 ) ) return; // make more robust??? var items, item, i, links, user, name, talk, contribs, insertLoc, link; items = document.getElementById( 'bodyContent' ).getElementsByTagName( 'ul' )[ 0 ].getElementsByTagName( 'li' ); function NewLink( txt, url, plainlinks, linkColor ) { var a = document.createElement( 'a' ); a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( txt ) ); a.href = url; if ( plainlinks ) a.className = 'plainlinks'; if ( linkColor ) { if ( typeof linkColor == "string" ) = linkColor; else = '#FF0000'; // old default behavior } return a; } for ( i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) { item = items[ i ]; links = item.getElementsByTagName( 'a' ); user = links[ 0 ]; name = user.firstChild.nodeValue; talk = links[ 2 ]; talk.firstChild.nodeValue = 'talk'; // lowercase 'Talk' for consistency contribs = links[ 3 ]; insertLoc = user.nextSibling; // ' newusers ' item.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( ' ( ' ), insertLoc ); item.insertBefore( talk, insertLoc ); item.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( ', ' ), insertLoc ); item.insertBefore( contribs, insertLoc ); item.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( ', ' ), insertLoc ); item.insertBefore( NewLink( 'actions', '/w/index.php?title=Special%3ALog&user=' + name, true, '#000088' ), insertLoc ); item.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( ', ' ), insertLoc ); item.insertBefore( NewLink( 'blocks', '/w/index.php?title=Special%3ALog&type=block&page=User%3A' + name, true, '#008800' ), insertLoc ); item.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( ', ' ), insertLoc ); item.insertBefore( NewLink( 'is blocked?', '/wiki/Special:Ipblocklist?action=search&ip=' + name, true, '#888800' ), insertLoc ); item.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( ', ' ), insertLoc ); item.insertBefore( NewLink( 'do block!', '/w/index.php?title=Special:Blockip&ip=' + name, true, '#880000' ), insertLoc ); item.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( ' )' ), insertLoc ); item.removeChild( insertLoc.nextSibling ); // should remove the span item.removeChild( insertLoc ); // should remove ' newusers ' text } } if ( window.addEventListener ) window.addEventListener( 'load', NUPatrol, false ); else if ( window.attachEvent ) window.attachEvent( 'onload', NUPatrol ); //</nowiki>