Ceahlău Massif

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Ocolaşul Mare Peak
Ocolaşul Mare Peak
Ceahlău is also a commune in Neamţ County, see: Ceahlău, Neamţ

The Ceahlău Massif is one of the most renowned mountain ranges of Romania. It is located in the Eastern Carpathians chain, in Neamţ County, in the Moldavia region. The two most important peaks are Toaca (1907 m altitude) and Ocolaşul Mare (1904 m altitude). It is bounded to the east by the river Bistriţa and Lake Bicaz, to the south by the Bicaz River.

From the south, the main access point is the town of Bicaz. To the north, Mount Ceahlău is also accessible from Durău.

There are many legends about the Ceahlău Massif; as a consequence it is often called "The Romanian Olympus."

[edit] Activities

Ceahlău - Piatra Lată din Ghedeon
Ceahlău - Piatra Lată din Ghedeon

Ceahlău National Park shelters a large variety of flora and fauna; some of the species are endemic or rarely seen elsewhere in Romania. The entry point to the national park is Izvorul Muntelui village, 12 km north-east of Bicaz.

Protected areas of Romania
Biosphere reserves
Danube Delta
National parks
Călimani | Ceahlău | Cheile Bicazului-Hăşmaş | Cheile Nerei-Beuşniţa | Domogled-Valea Cernei | Măcin Mountains | Piatra Craiului Mountains | Semenic-Cheile Caraşului| Retezat | Rodna| Vânători Neamţ
Nature parks
Apuseni Mountains | Balta Mică a Brăilei | Bucegi Mountains | Grădiştea Muncelului-Cioclovina | Iron Gates
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