CC's Pierce Street Manor
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CC's Pierce Street Manor (Pierce Street Manor or PSM for short) is a bar in the Marina District of the city of San Francisco, on Pierce Street between Lombard and Chestnut. It is atypical for its location, in that it does not represent the affluent community that surrounds it. The unpretentious bar contains a classic jukebox, a golf arcade game, many Journey posters and a pool table. The bar has a high return rate for its customers, with many people who tend to visit the bar nightly. Some notable guests are Scrap Iron, an Italian-born, San Francisco-raised girl and a seventeen-year-old guy. On weekdays, the bar is frequented by locals and students from surrounding schools, but on the weekends the crowd consists mainly of young professionals and older college students.
Additionally, a number of local celebrities make visits to the bar, which is demonstrated by the photographs that the owner and frequent bartender, CC, keeps behind the bar. Its trademark features are the shag carpeting, zebra print sofas, its back room (with dart board) and the deteriorating rear patio. Despite its shortcomings, Pierce Street Manor is a wonderful place to meet local San Franciscans or to kick back with a few beers and a few friends.
[edit] Legal Woes
Recently, in 2005, allegations that the bar was illegally serving alcohol to minors arose. According to CC, this ceased as a result of a $3,500 fine she received.