Cauchy matrix

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In mathematics, the Cauchy matrix is an m×n matrix A, whose elements are given by

a_{ij}={\frac{1}{x_i+y_j}};\quad x_i+y_j\neq 0,\quad 1 \le i \le m,\quad 1 \le j \le n.\,

where xi and yj are elements of a field \mathcal{F}, and where (xi) and (yj) are injective sequences (they do not contain repeated elements; elements are distinct).

[edit] Properties

  • When m=n and the matrix is square, the determinant, known as a Cauchy determinant, is given explicitly by
\det A={{\prod_{i<j} (x_i-x_j)\prod_{i<j} (y_i-y_j)}\over {\prod_{i,j} (x_i +y_j)}}.\,
  • As a consequence of the injectivity of (xi) and (yj), all square Cauchy matrices are invertible.
  • Every submatrix of a Cauchy matrix is itself a Cauchy matrix.

[edit] Examples

The Hilbert matrix is a special case of the Cauchy matrix, where

x_i+y_j = i+j-1.\,

[edit] See also

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