Talk:Cattle mutilation\private sandbox\human actions

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Governor Richard D. Lamm of Colorado. August 25, 1975

Governor Richard D. Lamm flew to Pueblo Monday afternoon to confer with the executive board of the Colorado Cattlemen’s Association concerning the widespread livestock mutilations that have occurred throughout the state. Calling the mutilations “one of the greatest outrages in the history of the western cattle industry,” Lamm pledged the full resources of the state to help stop the mutilations and arrest the persons responsible. “It is no longer possible to blame predators for mutilations,” Lamm said. “It is clear from the evidence that only human predators can be responsible for these terrible offenses.” The Governor noted that the School of Veterinary Medicine at Colorado State University had concluded that mutilations were being caused by humans using knives.

MYSTERY STALKS THE PRAIRIE Roberta Donovan, Sheriff Keith Wolverton (Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana) 1976 Raynesford, Montana