Talk:Catholicism and Freemasonry/to do/french

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[edit] French Revolution

Many French revolutionaries were Freemasons, including Voltaire,[1] Condorcet,[2] Mirabeau,[3] Danton,[4] the Duke of Orleans[5] and Robespierre[6]

In many parts of France the Jacobin clubs were continuances of Masonic lodges from the Ancien Regime.

The Catholic Encyclopedia alleges that the Masonic book "La Franc-Maçonnerie, écrasée" in 1746 predicted the program of the French Revolution[7] and claims to quote documents of the Grand Orient of France where Freemasonry claims credit for the French Revolution.[8] However the New Catholic Encyclopedia of 1967 says that modern historians see Freemasonry's role in the French Revolution is exaggerated.[9]