Talk:Caterpillar Construction Tycoon

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[edit] Writing Stub

This game has little information on the internet. If you have played this game, or are knowledgeable about it, please improve it.

I'll tell you what I saw while playing and you write it :P First, its very buggy. It will often CTD especially while in practice mode. There are two modes, practice and mission. Each mission is one construction site where you need to build several buildings. When you are playing a mission you can always try a practice.

In practice you can drive one of several construction vehicles, buldozers and such, where you get one objective to accomplish, depending on vehicle your using. For example with buldozzer you need to make a square plot of land flat. For a digger you need to dig a moat. Practice is also time limited.

In mission mode first you need to remove all trees by marking area for deforestation and then assigning one or more workers to it. Then you need to use a vehicle for wood removal (forgot the name). Next you need to flatten hills by marking area and setting one buldozzer to it (buldozer need a worker assigned to it as a driver to work). After that you need to place buildings you have been ordered to build. Their size and composition is not changeable, but you have complete freedom about where you want to place them (as long as there are no trees and terrain is flat). Once you have selected placement for bulding you need to assign workers, qualified workers, foremans and at least one truck. Building will go through several phases (3-4) and will show percantage completed.

main trick with management is about how many workers and vehicles are you gonna hire and at what time in order not to bust your budget. There is also a time limit, but much more generous than in practice mode. Also, more workers will build faster, and when you need to build several buildings you can decide whether to work on one, two or all of them at the same time.

Thats about it. I did maybe first (or first two missions) and then got bored, but was never able to finish practice b/c it kept crashing game. NFOrce says theres patch out there, but I cant find any info on Activision Value (publisher) website about this game. Shinhan 16:13, 23 July 2006 (UTC)