Catch me who can

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Trevithick's steam circus on which the locomotive Catch me who Can ran
Trevithick's steam circus on which the locomotive Catch me who Can ran

Catch me who can was the second steam locomotive created by Richard Trevithick. It used a steam engine and was built in 1808. Its fastest speed was 19km per hour. It was displayed near Euston Station, London.

[edit] Characteristics

The wheels are in a 0-4-0 pattern, and the boiler was as high as a human, making it's total height 1.5 people high. the weight, however, wore the track out (it weighed a ton) and Trevithick was forced to scrap it.

[edit] Reference


Pre-1830 steam locomotives
v  d  e

Pen-y-darren (1804) • Catch Me Who Can (1808) • Puffing Billy (1812) • Wylam Dilly (1812) • The Salamanca (1812) • Blücher (1814) • Locomotion No. 1 (1825) •
Novelty, Sans Pareil, Rocket, Perseverance (all 1829)

See also: Rainhill trialsHistory of rail transport in Great Britain to 1830