Castle Kynžvart

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Castle Kynžvart (Germ.: Bad Königswart) is located in the District of Okres Cheb in the Czech Republic. Already built in 1623, the castle then collapsed. From 1682 to 1691, Count Philipp Emmerich turned the decayed ruins into a Baroque castle; from 1821 to 1836, the Austrian Chancellor W.L. Metternich remodeled it in the imperial style with the help of architect Pietro de Nobile. The castle was confiscated from his family in 1945 by the Czechoslovak government.

The castle has a valuable library, which contains medieval manuscripts, valuable prints, scientific books, and encyclopedias from a variety of scientific areas. In 1828 a museum was founded to display the natural science collections, coins, historical and technological curiosities, manuscripts, ancient Egyptian monuments, marmoreal plastics, and pieces of Oriental art held at the castle.

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