Cassie Newton

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Cassie Newton
Image:Cassie Newton.jpg
Azura Skye as Cassie Newton
First appearance Help
Last appearance Conversations with Dead People as a form of the First Evil
Created by Joss Whedon
Name Cassie Newton
Status Deceased
Species Human
Affiliation Sunnydale High II Students
Notable powers Precognition abilities grant her knowledge of future events in the form of vague visions and intuition.
Portrayed by  Azura Skye

Cassie Newton is a fictional character from the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She was played by Azura Skye.

Cassie Newton, who first appeared in the seventh season episode "Help", was a young girl who came to Buffy and told her that she (Cassie) would die on the next Friday. Buffy, along with Xander, Dawn and Willow, managed to save her from a group of boys who tried to kill her in order to raise a demon. However, immediately after, Cassie died of a heart attack caused by a family condition, fulfilling her own prophecy. (This is a near perfect match to the story of Cassandra in Greek mythology.) She did, however, leave several prophecies relating to the Buffy final episode---including telling Spike "She'll tell you" and implying to Buffy who would win the final battle with the First.

Cassie then appeared to Willow in "Conversations with Dead People" and told her that she had a message from Tara—that if she used magic, she would kill all her friends. Willow believed her until Cassie told her that she should kill herself to save everyone and be with Tara again. Willow then realized that this girl was not Cassie. After being found out, "Cassie" (who was really The First Evil) became cocky and told her that "she" was going for a big finish and disappeared.

[edit] Website and trivia

In "Help", to emphasise the dramatics of teenagehood, Cassie maintained an online diary (which was discovered by Willow following a Google search). Following a suggestion from Joss Whedon, the production team decided to create this website for real, complete with poetry (described by Xander as "Always a sign of pretentious inner turmoil", leading the Scooby Gang to wrongly believe that Cassie had death on her mind and was potentially suicidal) and art from Cassie. It was actually composed and created by Rebecca Rand Kirshner, the episode's writer. The site was created and hosted at Geocities, and the writers even registered a domain name for it in the name of Cassie Newton.

The whois entry for the domain name was:

Creation Date........ 2002-09-14
Registration Date.... 2002-09-14
Expiry Date.......... 2003-09-14
Organisation Name.... Cassie Newton
Organisation Address. 13 Shadow Lane
Organisation Address. 
Organisation Address. Sunnydale 
Organisation Address. 94086
Organisation Address. CA
Organisation Address. UNITED STATES
Admin Name........... Cassie Newton
Admin Address........ 13 Shadow Lane
Admin Address........ 
Admin Address........ Sunnydale
Admin Address........ 94086
Admin Address........ CA
Admin Address........ UNITED STATES
Admin Email..........
Admin Phone.......... 666-442-8363

Thus Cassie lived at 13 Shadow Lane, Sunnydale. 94086 is actually the ZIP Code for Sunnyvale, CA. Sunnyvale is much further north than Sunnydale, but the similar names make it a logical joke.

The site became extremely popular, exceeded its download limits, and the site guestbook filled up some thirty times over.

When the domain name registry lapsed, the Geocities site was deleted; the Internet Archive has a cached copy. [1] The domain name is now registered to a company in Hong Kong.

[edit] See also

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