Carbon group

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Group 14
2 6
3 14
4 32
5 50
6 82
7 114

The carbon group is group 14 (IUPAC style) in the periodic table.

Each of the elements in this group has 4 electrons in its outer energy level. The last orbital of all these elements is the p2 orbital. In most cases, the elements share their electrons. The tendency to lose electrons increases as the size of the atom increases, as it does with increasing atomic number. Carbon alone forms negative ions, in the form of carbide (C4-) ions. Silicon and germanium, both metalloids, each can form +4 ions. Tin and lead both are metals while ununquadium is a synthetic shortlived radioactive metal.

The group consists of carbon (C), silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), tin (Sn), lead (Pb), and ununquadium (Uuq).

Explanation of above periodic table slice:
Nonmetals Metalloids Poor metals atomic number in black are solids solid borders are primordial elements (older than the Earth) dotted borders are radioactive, synthetic elements

Periodic tables

Standard table | Vertical table | Table with names | Names and atomic masses (large) | Names and atomic masses (small) | Names and atomic masses (text only) | Inline F-block | Elements to 218 | Electron configurations | Metals and nonmetals | Table by blocks | Alternatives

Lists of elements

Name | Atomic symbol | Atomic number | Boiling point | Melting point | Density | Atomic mass
Groups:   1 -  2 -  3 -  4 -  5 -  6 -  7 -  8 -  9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18
Periods:  1  -  2  -  3  -  4  -  5  -  6  -  7  -  8  -  9
Series:   Alkalis  -  Alkaline earths  -  Lanthanides  -  Actinides  -  Transition metals  -  Poor metals  -  Metalloids  -  Nonmetals  -  Halogens  -  Noble gases
Blocks:  s-block  -  p-block  -  d-block  -  f-block  -  g-block