Carbomb (cocktail)

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Carbomb (also known as "Belfast Carbomb" or "Irish Carbomb") is a boilermaker made with stout (for example, Guinness), Irish cream (for example, Bailey's) and Irish whiskey such as Jameson's or Tullamore Dew.

An example of an irish car bomb with Guiness and Irish cream
An example of an irish car bomb with Guiness and Irish cream

[edit] Process

The accepted method for mixing a successful carbomb is 1 shot Irish whiskey, followed by 1 pint of Irish stout, with a shot of Irish cream being dropped into the concoction immediately before consumption. The drink should be consumed quickly before the Irish cream curdles.[1]

[edit] Variations

Another method of mixing the carbomb is to mix 1 half shot of Irish whiskey with 1 half shot of Irish creme. Drop the full shot into an Irish stout and chug as normal.

One should note that Irish carbombs are quite filling as well as containing more alcohol than a boilermaker made with American beer, and are therefore usually consumed first in order to avoid sickness.[1]

A variation to the drink is the "Irish Truck Bomb" which is a larger version of the "Irish Carbomb". The "Irish Truck-Bomb" is most often shared between a group.

Yet another variation involves a full bottle (.7 pint) of Guinness (or other stout) and a shot of Irish creme, usually consumed in one drink.

Finally, there is a popular seasonal variation known simply as the "Irish Christmas", where peppermint schnapps is substituted for Irish cream.

In certain drinking establishments in Atlanta, Georgia, the Irish Carbomb is made with 1 pint Guinness and 1 shot of Jameson's, which is lit on fire. The lit shot is dropped into the pint of Guinness, and you do not put your glass down until the entire pint is consumed.

Some pubs pour this drink as a shot/shooter. It is made by filling a short glass half way with Guinness Stout. A one ounce shot glass is filled with 3/4 whiskey and 1/4 Irish Cream. The shot glass is then placed in the glass of stout.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^