Caracol TV

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Cadena Radial Colombiana Televisión
Type Broadcast Television Network
Branding Caracol TV
Country Colombia Colombia
Availability National
Key people Julio Mario Santo Domingo, legal represantative
Launch date 1998
Website Canal Caracol

Caracol Televisión is one of the most viewed private television networks in Colombia. Before becoming a network, it was a production company, part of the Cadena Radial Colombiana (Spanish: Colombian Radio Network), when offered financial support to the Televisora Nacional through the exclusive concession of commercial spaces, giving birth to TVC (Televisión Comercial Ltda.) in 1955. In 1998, Caracol acquired one of the two licenses given by the Colombian government for the operation of a national television network -the other was granted to RCN Televisión.

Julio Mario Santo Domingo is Caracol Televisión's (or Canal Caracol) main shareholder.

On 2006, Caracol TV bought a 25% stake of Miami station WGEN-TV, in order to operate it and provide programming, primarily with Colombian and Brazilian telenovelas, a news show produced in Colombia, and a local version of Desafío 20.06, a reality show similar to Survivor, since September 2006 [1].

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