Carabobo State Anthem

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Estado Carabobo
[[Image:|140px|Flag of Carabobo State]] Coat of Arms of Carabobo State
State flag State Coat of Arms
Carabobo State Anthem
Motto: Ocassus servitutis
(Latin: Decline of servitude)
Location of Carabobo State
Location within Venezuela
(given current status)
State capital Valencia
4,650 km²
0,51   (Ranked 21st)
2,106,264 hab. (2005 est.)
8,38   (Ranked 4th)
Emblematic tree The Camoruco
(Sterculia apelata)
ISO 3166-2 VE-G
Governor Luis Felipe Acosta Carlez
2004 - 2007
Website: [unavailable ]

The anthem of the Carabobo State, Venezuela, has lyrics composed in rhyme by Santiago González Guiñán; the music was added by Sebastián Díaz Peña.

[edit] Lyrics in Spanish Language


Por el sol que naciendo esclarece,
Carabobo tu heroico blasón,
la altivez de tus hijos ofrece
velar por el suelo que patria nos dio.

Renombre son tus páginas,
segura prez tu brazo,
cadenas tu regazo,
¡magnífica región!
No esclava de la púrpura,
radiando hermosa y libre,
del pecho salga y vibre autónoma tu voz.

Absorta, entre relámpagos,
miró mitad del globo,
del trueno, "Carabobo",
¡nacer la libertad!
Allí la sien olímpica
del lauro coronada,
allí la patria alzada
sobre el heroico altar.

De aquella raza indómita
que dio los lidiadores,
egregios redentores,
¡oh, Tierra!, es tu valor;
regalo de la pródiga,
gentil naturaleza,
tu cielo, tu riqueza,
tus gracias y tu sol.

Te prestas el ardor bélico
aliento poderoso;
la ciencia, su reposo;
la fama, su sitial;
y el laborioso músculo,
nutrido en la fatiga
las mieses de la espiga
reporta a tu heredad.

Libertadora cólera,
potente armó su diestra;
de la inmortal palestra
¡tú tienes el laurel!
Inerme bajo el lábaro
de austero patriotismo,
en las luchas del civismo,
tu espada sea la ley.

No más el hierro bárbaro
de la civil contienda,
ni la expiatoria ofrenda
de sangre fraternal:
Cuando tu noble espíritu
anhele, active o ame,
a consagrar te llame
el culto de la paz.

[edit] Lyrics in English Language


By the sun that in its rising illuminates,
Carabobo your heroic banner,
the pride of your sons offers
to guard the soil that motherland gave us.

Renowned are your pages,
a sure grip your arm is,
chains your lap,
magnificent region!
Not a slave of the purple,
shining beautiful and free,
from the chest released and vibrating by itself your voice.

In absortion, between lightnings,
glimpsed half of the globe,
from thunder, "Carabobo",
freedom is delivered!
there the olympic forehead
crowned by Laurel,
there the motherland raised
over the heroic altar.

from that untamed race
that gave the fighters,
distinguished saviors,
oh, Land!, is your bravery;
a gift from the generous,
gentle nature,
your heaven, your wealthes,
your graces and your sun.

you lend to belligerent ardour
powerful breath;
to science, its rest;
to fame, its site;
and the working muscle,
nurtured in fatigue
yields of crop
report for your inheritance.

Releasing anger,
powerfully armed its right hand;
of the immortal arena
you have the Laurel!
calm beneath the standard
of austeric patriotism,
in the fights of civism,
may your sword be the law.

No more the barbaric iron
of civic confrontation,
nor the expiatory offering
of brotherly blood:
when you noble spirit
desires,activate or loves,
to worship it calls you
the cult of peace.

[edit] See also