Captain Jacob Keyes

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Captain Jacob Keyes
Captain Jacob Keyes on the Pillar of Autumn.
CO of the Pillar of Autumn
Game series Halo series
First game Halo: Combat Evolved
Voice actor(s) Pete Stacker

Captain Jacob Keyes (voiced by Pete Stacker) is a fictional character in the Halo franchise. He was the Captain of the UNSC ships Iroquois and later the Pillar of Autumn, a ship which was supposed to find the Covenant home world and be crewed by the Spartan IIs. Unfortunately, the fall of Reach on August 30th, 2552, cut the mission short (briefly until Halo), and Keyes was forced to use his ship to lead the Covenant Fleet away from Earth (in accordance with The Cole Protocol) - Cortana in fact lead them to Halo because rather than using random jump coordinates Cortana used the coordinates she found on the quartz stone the Master Chief found during the SPARTAN-II deployment on Sigma Octanus IV.

As a Lieutenant Junior Grade he helped Dr. Halsey to find the future Spartans, including John-117, the future Master Chief, though Halsey had to send Keyes away with the promotion to Lieutenant since Keyes himself was becoming aware of the full nature of the project. He was later promoted from Commander to Captain after his actions during the Covenant invasion of the Sigma Octanus system in 2552 (July 17-18). Keyes was made most famous from his tactically magnificent "Keyes Loop", as it was dubbed, that was only performed at one time. This maneuver had Keyes loop around a Covenant vessel with a pair of locked Covenent plasma torpedos and a single SHIVA nuclear warhead following. It is also believed that a Covenant tracking device that attached itself to Keyes' ship -the Iroquois - led the Covenant to Reach.

Captain Keyes, mutated into a Brain Form
Captain Keyes, mutated into a Brain Form

Soon after the Pillar of Autumn's arrival at Halo on September 19th, 2552, the PoA was abandoned and Keyes was captured by the Covenant and imprisoned in the Covenant ship Truth and Reconciliation. He was later rescued by the Master Chief on September 20th and became the leader of the human resistance on the ring. About two days later he was captured and assimilated by the Flood and absorbed into a "Brain Form"; his location on the bridge of the Covenant ship perhaps suggest his skills as a Captain were absorbed as a way to allow the Flood to leave Halo (he would have the knowledge to perhaps pilot the ship). Spartan John 117 was forced to kill Keyes in order to retrieve the Command Neural Interface stored within his brain, which contained codes critical to Cortana's planned destruction of Halo.

For his actions at Halo, Keyes was posthumously awarded a medal, received by his daughter Miranda Keyes, the commander of the ship In Amber Clad. Fleet Admiral Lord Hood remarked about Keyes that "the Navy has lost one of its best."

Unbeknownst to many, Keyes's name patch contains an easter egg: it actually reads "Hello my name Keyes," [sic] a reference to the "Hello my name is" stickers worn at conventions to identify oneself. It also contains the "circle and line" symbol from Marathon, a previous Bungie game that the programmers derived many ideas for the Halo series from. This symbol is also shown on the hull of the Pillar of Autumn and on the notice board outside the Autumn's bridge.

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