Captain Confederacy

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Captain Confederacy is an alternate history comic book by Will Shetterly and Vince Stone that was published between 1986 and 1992. It tells the story of a superhero created for propaganda purposes in a world in which the Confederate States of America won their independence.

The first storyline, published in twelve issues by SteelDragon Press, tells how the first Captain Confederacy, a white man, joins the rebellion against his country. The second storyline, published in four issues by Epic Comics, focuses on the new Captain Confederacy, a black woman. The second-run had a Type-B superhero, Captain 4th & Main, as its' backup feature.

John M. Ford plotted three issues of the first series, and wrote one, issue number 10's "Driving North."

[edit] External link

  • Captain Confederacy blog, where the comic is being posted in serial format by Will Shetterly, along with related material.