Template:Canadian School District

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Board office location {{{officelocation}}}
Number of schools {{{schoolcount}}}
(CAD $ millions)
Number of students {{{studentcount}}}


[edit] Usage

{{Canadian School District
| schoolboardname    =name
| additionalname     =name                        (optional field)
| image              =something.gif               (optional field)
| imagesize          =300px                       (optional field)
| boardidentifier    =text                        (optional field)
| officelocation     =city, province
| communities        =text, text, ...             (optional field)
| schoolcount        =text...
| budgetyear         =year                        (optional field)
| budget             =### (in millions of CAD $)
| studentcount       =####
| chairoftheboard    =name                        (optional field)
| directorofeducation=name                        (optional field)
| superintendent     =name                        (optional field)
| electedtrustees    =name<br>name<br>name<br>... (optional field)
| url                =school board's url          (optional field)

[edit] Blank template with required fields only

{{Canadian School District
| schoolboardname    =
| officelocation     =
| schoolcount        =
| budget             =
| studentcount       =

[edit] Blank template with all fields

{{Canadian School District
| schoolboardname    = 
| additionalname     = 
| image              = 
| imagesize          = 
| boardidentifier    = 
| officelocation     = 
| communities        = 
| schoolcount        = 
| budgetyear         = 
| budget             = 
| studentcount       = 
| chairoftheboard    = 
| directorofeducation= 
| superintendent     = 
| electedtrustees    = 
| url                = 

[edit] See also