Cantons of Switzerland

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The twenty-six cantons of Switzerland are the states of the federal state of Switzerland. Historically each canton in the then-confederation was a sovereign state, with its own borders, army, and currency until the current federal structure was established in 1848.

During the sixteenth century, the Swiss Confederation was composed of thirteen self-governed states. These states were called cantons, and there were two different kinds of cantons: the six forest cantons and seven urban cantons. Though they were technically part of the Holy Roman Empire, they had become almost completely independent when the Swiss defeated Emperor Maximillian in 1499.

The six forest cantons were democratic republics, while the seven urban cantons were governed by city councils. However, these city councils were controlled by small oligarchies of wealthy citizens. The urban cantons included Zürich, Bern, and Basel.

Each canton has its own constitution, legislature, government and courts. Most of the cantons' legislatures are unicameral parliaments, their size varying between fifty-eight and two hundred seats. A few legislatures are general assemblies known as Landsgemeinden. The cantonal governments consist of either five or seven members, depending on the canton. For the names of the institutions, see List of legislative and executive councils of the Cantons of Switzerland.

All tasks that do not explicitly fall within the Confederation according to the Swiss Constitution are matters of the cantons. The cantons determine the degree of autonomy of the municipalities, thus this varies greatly. The sizes of the cantons are extremely different: from just 37 to 7,105 square km; the populations vary from 14,900 to 1,244,400.

In cantonal matters, direct democracy in the form of general assemblies (Landsgemeinde) is now confined to the cantons of Appenzell Innerrhoden and Glarus. In all other cantons democratic rights are expressed using the ballot box. Since the Canton of Jura split from the Canton of Bern in 1978, no new cantons have been created.


[edit] List and map

The cantons are listed in the order given in the federal constitution. [1]

Flag Abbr Canton Since Capital Population1 Area2 Density3 Nr. of mun.s1 Official languages
Flag of canton ZH Zürich (Zurich) 1351 Zürich 1,228,600 1,729 701 171 German
Flag of canton BE Berne (Bern) 1353 Berne 947,100 5,959 158 399 German, French
Flag of canton LU Lucerne 1332 Lucerne 350,600 1,493 233 107 German
Flag of canton UR Uri 1291 Altdorf 35,000 1,077 33 20 German
Flag of canton SZ Schwyz 1291 Schwyz 131,400 908 143 30 German
Flag of canton OW Obwalden (Obwald) 1291 Sarnen 32,700 491 66 7 German
Flag of canton NW Nidwalden (Nidwald) 1291 Stans 38,600 276 138 11 German
Flag of canton GL Glarus 1352 Glarus 38,300 685 51 28 German
Flag of canton ZG Zug 1352 Zug 100,900 239 416 11 German
Flag of canton FR Fribourg 1481 Fribourg 239,100 1,671 141 242 French, German
Flag of canton SO Solothurn 1481 Solothurn 245,500 791 308 126 German
Flag of canton BS Basel-Stadt (Basle-City) 1501 Basel 186,700 37 5,072 3 German
Flag of canton BL Basel-Land (Basle-Country) 1501 Liestal 261,400 518 502 86 German
Flag of canton SH Schaffhausen 1501 Schaffhausen 73,400 298 246 34 German
Flag of canton AR Appenzell Ausserrhoden (Outer Rhodes) 1513 Herisau4 53,200 243 220 20 German
Flag of canton AI Appenzell Innerrhoden (Inner Rhodes) 1513 Appenzell 15,000 173 87 6 German
Flag of canton SG St. Gallen (St. Gall) 1803 St. Gallen 452,600 2,026 222 90 German
Flag of canton GR Graubünden (Grisons) 1803 Chur 185,700 7,105 26 211 German, Romansh, Italian
Flag of canton AG Aargau (Argovia) 1803 Aarau 550,900 1,404 388 232 German
Flag of canton TG Thurgau (Thurgovia) 1803 Frauenfeld 228,200 991 229 80 German
Flag of canton TI Ticino 1803 Bellinzona 311,900 2,812 110 244 Italian
Flag of canton VD Vaud 1803 Lausanne 626,200 3,212 188 382 French
Flag of canton VS Valais 1815 Sion 278,200 5,224 53 160 French, German
Flag of canton NE Neuchâtel 1815 Neuchâtel 166,500 803 206 62 French
Flag of canton GE Geneva 1815 Geneva 414,300 282 1,442 45 French
Flag of canton JU Jura 1979 Delémont 69,100 838 82 83 French
Flag of Switzerland CH Switzerland   Bern 7,261,200 41,285 174 2,890 German, French, Italian, Romansh

Notes: 1 As of 31 December 2001, National Statistics, 2 km², 3 per km², based on 2000 population 4 seat of government and parliament, the seat of the judicial authorities is Trogen.

The two-letter abbreviations for Swiss cantons are widely used, e.g. on car license plates and in the ISO 3166-2 codes (with the prefix "CH-", i.e. CH-SZ for the canton of Schwyz).

[edit] The traditional half-cantons

Six cantons have traditionally been called "half-cantons". This term is now deprecated by constitutional scholars, as the 1999 constitution lists 26 coequal cantons, and the more unwieldy appellation "cantons with half a cantonal vote" is sometimes used.

All traditional half-cantons have resulted from the division of a preexisting territory or canton:

As federal states, the traditional half-cantons have the same institutional structure as well as the same rights and obligations as the other cantons, with two exceptions. For one thing, they elect only one member of the Council of States instead of two. Also, in popular referenda that require not only a national popular majority but also the assent of a majority of the cantons (Ständemehr / majorité des cantons), such as constitutional amendments, the result of their cantonal vote counts half as much as that of other cantons, to the effect that a majority of the cantons is actually the majority of twenty-three cantonal votes.

[edit] Names in other languages

Abbr English French Italian German Romansh Spanish Esperanto1
AG Aargau (rare: Argovia) Argovie Argovia Aargau  Argovia Argovia Argovio
AI Appenzell Innerrhoden (Appenzell Inner-Rhodes) Appenzell Rhodes-Intérieures Appenzello Interno Appenzell Innerrhoden  Appenzell dadens Appenzell Rodas Interiores  
AR Appenzell Ausserrhoden (Appenzell Outer-Rhodes) Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures Appenzello Esterno Appenzell Ausserrhoden  Appenzell dador Appenzell Rodas Exteriores  
BS Basel-Stadt (Basel or Basle-City) Bâle-Ville Basilea Città Basel-Stadt  Basilea-Citad Basilea Ciudad Bazelo-Urbo
BL Basel-Land (Basel or Basle-Country) Bâle-Campagne Basilea Campagna Basel-Landschaft  Basilea-Champagna Basilea-Campaña Bazelo-Kamparo
BE Berne (Bern) Berne Berna Bern  Berna Berna Berno
FR Fribourg Fribourg Friburgo Freiburg  Friburg Friburgo Friburgo
GE Geneva Genève Ginevra Genf  Genevra Ginebra Ĝenevo
GL Glarus Glaris Glarona Glarus  Glaruna Glaris  
GR Graubünden (Grisons) Grisons Grigioni Graubünden  Grischun Grisones Grizono
JU Jura Jura Giura Jura  Giura Jura Ĵuraso
LU Lucerne Lucerne Lucerna Luzern  Lucerna Lucerna Lucerno
NE Neuchâtel Neuchâtel Neuchâtel Neuenburg  Neuchâtel Neuchatel Novkastelo
NW Nidwalden Nidwald Nidvaldo Nidwalden  Sutsilvana Unterwalden Bajo Nidvaldo
OW Obwalden Obwald Obvaldo Obwalden  Sursilvania Unterwalden Alto Obvaldo
SH Schaffhausen (Schaffhouse) Schaffhouse Sciaffusa Schaffhausen  Schaffusa Schaffhausen Ŝafhaŭzo
SZ Schwyz Schwyz (or Schwytz) Svitto Schwyz  Sviz Schwyz  
SO Solothurn Soleure Soletta Solothurn  Soloturn Soleura Soleŭro
SG St. Gallen (St. Gall) Saint-Gall San Gallo St. Gallen  Son Gagl Sankt Gallen  
TG Thurgau (Thurgovia) Thurgovie Turgovia Thurgau  Turgovia Turgovia Turgovio
TI Ticino Tessin Ticino Tessin  Tessin Tesino Tiĉino
UR Uri Uri Uri Uri  Uri Uri  
VS Valais Valais Vallese Wallis  Vallais Valais Valezo
VD Vaud Vaud Vaud Waadt  Vad Vaud Vaŭdo
ZG Zug Zoug Zugo Zug  Zug Zug Zugo
ZH Zürich (Zurich) Zurich Zurigo Zürich  Turitg Zurich Zuriko

Notes: ¹where a version differing from German is available.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ This is the order generally used in Swiss official documents. At the head of the list are the three city cantons that were considered preeminent in the Old Swiss Confederacy; the other cantons are listed in order of accession to the Confederation. This traditional order of precedence among the cantons has no practical relevance in the modern federal state, in which the cantons are equal to one another, although it still determines formal precedence among the cantons' officials (see Swiss order of precedence).

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

  • GeoPuzzle - Assemble cantons on a Swiss map
  • Badac - Database on Swiss cantons and cities (French/German)
Cantons of Switzerland Flag of Switzerland
Aargau | Appenzell Ausserrhoden | Appenzell Innerrhoden | Basel-City | Basel-Country | Berne | Fribourg | Geneva | Glarus | Graubünden | Jura | Lucerne | Neuchâtel | Nidwalden | Obwalden | Schaffhausen | Schwyz | Solothurn | St. Gallen | Thurgau | Ticino | Uri | Valais | Vaud | Zug | Zürich