Cantonese grammar

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Cantonese is an analytic language where, in a sentence, the arrangement of words is important to its meaning. A basic sentence is in form of SVO, i.e. a subject is followed by a verb then by an object, though this order is often violated because Cantonese is a Topic-prominent language. Unlike synthetic languages, seldom do words indicate time, gender and plural by inflection. Instead, these concepts are expressed through adverbs, aspect markers, and particles, or are deduced from the context. Different particles are added to a sentence to further specify its status or intonation.

A verb itself indicates no tense. The time can be explicitly shown with time-indicating adverbs. An optional aspect particle can be appended to a verb to indicate the state of an action. Appending interrogative or exclamative particles to a sentence turns a sentence into a question or shows the attitudes of the speaker.


[edit] Pronouns

Cantonese uses the following pronouns, which like in many other Sinitic languages, function as both subjective (English: I, he, we) and objective (me, him, us):

Pronoun Pronunciation Grammatical Classification English equivalent
ngo5 1st person singular I / me
nei5 2nd person singular you
keoi5 3rd person singular He / she
我哋 ngo5 dei6 1st person plural We / us
你哋 nei5 dei6 2nd person plural You (all)
佢哋 keoi5 dei6 3rd person plural They / Them

[edit] Copula ("to be")

States and qualities are generally expressed using stative verbs that do not require the verb "to be". For example, to say "I am hungry", one would say 我餓 (ngoh5 ngoh4)(literally: I hungry).

With noun complements, the verb 係 hai6 serves as the verb "to be".

琴日係中秋節 Yesterday was the Mid-Autumn festival
(Here 琴日 kam4 jat6 means "yesterday")

Another use of 係 is in cleft constructions for emphasis, much like the English construction "It's ... that ...". The setence particle 嘅 "ge3" often follows.

佢係完全唔識講廣東話嘅 "(It is the case that) s/he completely cannot speak Cantonese."

N.B.: Do not confuse 係 hai6 ("to be") with 喺 hai2 ("at").

To indicate location, the words 喺 hai2 and 響 hoeng2, which are collectively known as the locatives or sometimes coverbs in Chinese linguistics, are used to express "(to be) at":

我而家喺圖書館 I am at the library now
(Here 而家/依家 ji4 gaa1 means "now")

[edit] Negations

Many negation words start with the sound m- in Cantonese; for example, 唔 m4 (not), 冇 mou5 (not have), 未 mei6 (not yet). Verbs are negated by adding the character 唔 m4 in front of it. For example:

我食得花生 I can eat peanuts
(Where 食 sik6 is the verb "to eat")


我唔食得花生 I cannot eat peanuts

The exception is the word 有 jau5 (to have), which turns into 冇 mou5 (don't have) without the use of 唔.

The negative imperative is formed by prefixing 唔好 m4 hou2 or 咪 mai5 in front of the verb:

唔好睇戲 Don't watch movies
咪睇戲 Don't watch movies

In contrast to the examples of sentential negation above where the entire sentence is negated, 唔 can also be used lexically to negate a single word. The negated word often differs slightly in meaning from the original word; that is, this lexcial negation is a kind of derivation. Evidence for this is that they can be used with the perfective aspect particle 咗 jo2, which is not possible with sententially negated verbs.

見 (see) --> 唔見 (lose)
記得 (remember) --> 唔記得 (forget)
錯 (wrong) --> 唔錯 (pretty good; not bad)

我唔見咗我本書 "I lost my book"

is perfectly acceptable, but

'*'我唔食咗嘢 "I did not eat"

is ungrammatical.

[edit] Questions

[edit] Yes-or-no

Yes-or-no questions take the form of SUBJ VERB+唔+VERB:

你識唔識講廣東話? Do you know how to speak Cantonese?
(Where 識 sik1 is the verb "to know (how)")

The exception is with the verb "to have", where one uses the form 有冇 jau5 mou5 for yes-no questions:

有冇紅綠燈? Is there (literally: "has it") a traffic light?

Often, 係 hai6 ("to be") uses the shortened form 係咪 hai6 mai6 instead of the expected 係唔係.

佢係咪加拿大人? Is he/she a Canadian?

With multi-character verbs, only the first character is repeated:

你鐘唔鐘意年糕? Do you like new-year cake?
(Where 鐘意 zung1 ji3 means "to like" - a two-character word)

[edit] Interrogative Words

The interrogative words are as follows:

Interrogative Pronunciation English equivalent
邊個 bin1 go3 who
乜(嘢) / 咩 mat1 (je5) / me1 what
邊度 / 邊處 bin1 dou6 / bin1 syu3 where
幾時 gei2 si4 when
點解 dim2 gaai2 why
點(樣) dim2 (joeng6*2) How
幾多 gei2 do1 How many/much

[edit] Demonstratives

[edit] Singular

The proximal demonstrative ("this"), is 呢 ni1 / nei1 or more frequently in fast speech, 依 ji1 (+ measure word). For example:

呢本書 this book
依本書 this book

The distal demonstrative ("that") is 嗰 go2 (+ measure word). For example:

嗰本書 that book

[edit] Plural

For plural demonstratives, add 啲 di1 before the noun:

呢啲書 these books
嗰啲書 those books

[edit] Possessives

For singular nouns, the word 嘅 ge3 is roughly equivalent to English " 's":

爸爸嘅屋企 father's house

Plural nouns take 啲 di1:

你啲動物 your animals

N.B.: 啲 is a very versatile word in Cantonese, besides pluralizing certain phrases, it can also mean "a little/few", e.g. 一啲 jat1 di1 (a little), or 早啲 earlier (literally: early + (intensifier)).

Possessive pronouns (i.e. "mine", "his", "hers") are formed by adding 嘅/啲 after the pronoun.

係佢嘅呀! It's his!
呀 (aa3 is a particle used to end affirmative statements)

However, in the case where there's an implied plural noun, one does not say:

係佢啲呀! It's his!'.

For example:

呢啲書係邊個嘅呀? (Whose books are these?)
係佢嘅呀! (It's his! [referring to his books])

One could also say:

係佢啲書呀! (It's his books!)
嘅呀 ge3 aa3 is usually shortened in speech into one syllable, gaa3嘎.

Both of these are generic possessives. For specific objects, measure words can be used as possessive as well:

佢本書 his book (本 is the measure word)

Moreover, measure words in Cantonese can serve as definite articles. E.g. 本書唔見咗 The book is lost. These two usages are not found in Mandarin Chinese.