Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope

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CFHT image of the asteroid Eugenia and its moon Petit-Prince
CFHT image of the asteroid Eugenia and its moon Petit-Prince
CFHT in the morning.
CFHT in the morning.

The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope is located near the mountain top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii at an altitude of 4,204 meters (13,793 feet). It is a Prime Focus/Cassegrain configuration with a usable aperture diameter of 3.58 meters.

CFHT hosts three state-of-the-art instruments: MegaPrime, a wide-field high resolution CCD mosaic of 36 CCDs and 340 MegaPixels; WIRCam, an infra-red mosaic of 4 detectors and 16 MegaPixels; and ESPaDOnS, a new échelle spectrograph / spectropolarimeter. Three other instruments are still available: PUEO, an adaptive optics bonette; Gecko, a very high resolution spectrograph; and MOS, the Multi Object Spectrograph.

CHFT, in collaboration with Edizioni Scientifiche Coelum, maintains a public-outreach website called "Hawaiian Starlight" which offers extremely high-quality versions of CHFT images in various formats including a yearly calendar.

The corporation is bound by a tri-partite agreement between the University of Hawaii and the governments of France and Canada. Additional funding for WIRCam came from Korea and Taiwan.

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