
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] Water

  1. Chapleau Water Aerodrome Cert
  2. Montréal/Boisvert & Fils Water Aerodrome Cert
  3. Montréal/Marina Venise Water Aerodrome Cert
  4. Nanaimo Harbour Water Aerodrome Cert
  5. Nanaimo/Long Lake Water Aerodrome Cert
  6. Prince Rupert/Seal Cove Water Aerodrome Cert
  7. Québec/Lac St-Augustin Water Aerodrome Cert
  8. Vancouver Harbour Water Aerodrome Cert
  9. Vancouver International Water Aerodrome Cert

[edit] Land

  1. 108 Mile Ranch Airport
  2. Acme Airport
  3. Alert Bay Airport
  4. Alexandria Airport
  5. Alliston Airport
  6. Altona Municipal Airport
  7. Amos/Mangy Airport
  8. Andrew Airport
  9. Apache/Hamburg Airport
  10. Apple River Airport
  11. Arborfield Airport
  12. Arborg Airport
  13. Arcola Airport
  14. Arctic Bay Airport
  15. Armstrong Airport
  16. Arnes Airport
  17. Arnprior/South Renfrew Municipal Airport
  18. Arnstein Airport
  19. Arthur East Airport
  20. Ashern Airport
  21. Assiniboia Airport
  22. Athabasca Airport
  23. Atikokan Municipal Airport
  24. Atlin Airport
  25. Atwood Airport
  26. Atwood/Coghlin Airport
  27. Baddeck (Crown Jewel) Airport
  28. Baie-Comeau (Manic 1) Airport
  29. Baldwin Airport
  30. Bancroft Airport
  31. Banff Airport
  32. Bar River Airport
  33. Barkerville Airport
  34. Barrhead Airport
  35. Barrie-Orillia (Lake Simcoe Regional) Airport
  36. Bashaw Airport
  37. Bassano Airport
  38. Bawlf (Blackwells) Airport
  39. Beauval Airport
  40. Beaver Creek Airport
  41. Beaverley Airport
  42. Beaverlodge Airport
  43. Beechy Airport
  44. Beiseker Airport
  45. Bell Island Airport
  46. Bella Bella (Denny Island) Airport
  47. Belleville Airport
  48. Big River Airport
  49. Big Sand Lake Airport
  50. Biggar Airport
  51. Birch Hills Airport
  52. Birch Mountain Airport
  53. Bird River (Lac Du Bonnet) Airport
  54. Bjorgum Farm Airport
  55. Black Diamond/Cu Nim Airport
  56. Blackie/Wilderman Farm Airport
  57. Blue River Airport
  58. Bob Quinn Lake Airport
  59. Bonnyville Airport
  60. Boston Brook Airport
  61. Bow Island Airport
  62. Boyle Airport
  63. Bradford Airport
  64. Braeburn Airport
  65. Brant (Dixon Farm) Airport
  66. Brantford Airport
  67. Briercrest South Airport
  68. Bristol Airport (New Brunswick)
  69. Brockville-Thousand Islands Regional Tackaberry Airport
  70. Brockway Airport
  71. Brooks Airport
  72. Brussels (Armstrong Field) Airport
  73. Buctouche Airport
  74. Burlington Airpark
  75. Burns Lake Airport
  76. Burwash Airport
  77. Cable Head Airpark
  78. Cabri Airport
  79. Cache Creek Airport
  80. Cadotte Airport
  81. Calgary/Airdrie Airport
  82. Calgary/Okotoks Air Park
  83. Calling Lake Airport
  84. Cambridge/Reid's Field Airport
  85. Camsell Portage Airport
  86. Candle Lake Airpark
  87. Canora Airport
  88. Carcross Airport
  89. Cardston Airport
  90. Carey Lake Airport
  91. Carleton Place Airport
  92. Carlyle Airport
  93. Carmacks Airport
  94. Carman (South) Airport
  95. Carman/Friendship Field Airport
  96. Carstairs/Bishell's Airport
  97. Castor Airport
  98. Causapscal Airport
  99. Cayley/A. J. Flying Ranch Airport
  100. Central Butte Airport
  101. Centralia/Huron Airpark
  102. Chambly Airport
  103. Chapman Lake Airport
  104. Charlevoix Airport
  105. Charlot River Airport
  106. Cheadle Airport
  107. Chestermere (Kirkby Field) Airport
  108. Chetwynd Airport
  109. Chicoutimi/St-Honore Airport
  110. Chilko Lake (Tsylos Park Lodge) Airport
  111. Chinchaga Airport
  112. Chipewyan Lake Airport
  113. Chipman Airport (Alberta)
  114. Chipman Airport (New Brunswick)
  115. Christina Basin Airport
  116. Churchbridge Airport
  117. Chute-St-Philippe Airport
  118. Cigar Lake Airport
  119. Clarenville Airport
  120. Claresholm Industrial Airport
  121. Clearwater Airport
  122. Clearwater River Airport
  123. Cluff Lake Airport
  124. Clyde River Airport
  125. Cobden/Bruce McPhail Memorial Airport
  126. Cochrane Airport
  127. Cochrane/Arkayla Springs Airport
  128. Cold Lake Regional Airport
  129. Collingwood Airport
  130. Collins Bay Airport
  131. Colomac Airport
  132. Colville Lake Airport
  133. Conklin (Leismer) Airport
  134. Conklin Airport
  135. Consort Airport
  136. Cookstown Airport
  137. Coral Harbour Airport
  138. Cornwall Regional Airport
  139. Coronach/Scobey Border Station Airport
  140. Coronation Airport
  141. Cortes Island (Hanson Airfield) Airport
  142. Cottam Airport
  143. Courtenay (Smit Field) Airport
  144. Courtenay Airpark
  145. Coutts/Ross International Airport
  146. Cowley Airport
  147. Cowpar Airport
  148. Craik Airport
  149. Cranbrook Airport
  150. Crawford Bay Airport
  151. Cree Lake (Crystal Lodge) Airport
  152. Creston (Art Sutcliffe Field) Airport
  153. Cross Lake (Charlie Sinclair Memorial) Airport
  154. Crystal City-Pilot Mound/Louise Municipal Airport
  155. Cudworth Airport
  156. Cudworth Municipal Airport
  157. Cumberland House Airport
  158. Cut Knife Airport
  159. Dauphin (Lt. Col W.G. (Billy) Barker VC Airport)
  160. Davidson Municipal Airport
  161. Davin Lake Airport
  162. Dawson City Airport
  163. Dawson Creek (Flying L Ranch) Airport
  164. Dawson Creek Airport
  165. De Lesseps Lake Airport
  166. De Winton/Highwood Airport
  167. De Winton/South Calgary Airport
  168. Dease Lake Airport
  169. Debden Airport
  170. Debert Airport
  171. Debolt Airport
  172. Deep River/Rolph Airport
  173. Deer Lake Airport (Newfoundland)
  174. Deer Lake Airport (Ontario)
  175. Del Bonita/Whetstone International Airport
  176. Deline Airport
  177. Deloraine Airport
  178. Delta/Delta Heritage Air Park
  179. Diavik Airport
  180. Digby Airport
  181. Dinsmore Airport
  182. Doaktown Airport
  183. Doig Airport
  184. Dolbeau-St-Félicien Airport
  185. Donnelly Airport
  186. Dore Lake Airport
  187. Douglas Lake Airport
  188. Downs Gulch Airport
  189. Drayton Valley Industrial Airport
  190. Drumheller Municipal Airport
  191. Drumheller/Ostergard's Airport
  192. Drummondville Airport
  193. Dryden Regional Airport
  194. Du Rocher-Percé (Pabok) Airport
  195. Duncan Airport
  196. Dunnville Airport
  197. Durham (Mulock) Airport
  198. Eagle Plains/Wiley Airport
  199. Eagle River Airport
  200. Ear Falls Airport
  201. Earlton (Timiskaming Regional) Airport
  202. East Gore Eco Airpark
  203. Eastend Airport
  204. Easterville Airport
  205. Eastmain River Airport
  206. Eatonia (Elvie Smith) Municipal Airport
  207. Echo Valley Airport
  208. Edam Airport
  209. Eddontenajon/Iskut Village Airport
  210. Edenvale Airport
  211. Edmonton/Cooking Lake Airport
  212. Edmonton/Gartner Airport
  213. Edmonton/Josephburg Airport
  214. Edmonton/St. Albert Airport
  215. Edmonton/Twin Island Airpark
  216. Edmonton/Villeneuve Airport
  217. Edmundston Airport
  218. Edra Airport
  219. Edson Airport
  220. Ekati Airport
  221. Elk Island Airport
  222. Elk Lake Airport
  223. Elk Point Airport
  224. Elkin Creek Guest Ranch Airport
  225. Elko Airport
  226. Elliot Lake Municipal Airport
  227. Elmira (East) Airport
  228. Elmira Airport
  229. Embarras Airport
  230. Embrun Airport
  231. Empress Airport
  232. Empress/McNeill Duke Energy Airport
  233. Emsdale Airport
  234. Erickson Municipal Airport
  235. Essex Airport
  236. Esterhazy Airport
  237. Estevan (South) Airport
  238. Estevan Airport
  239. Estevan/Bryant Airport
  240. Eston Airport
  241. Ethel Airport
  242. Eureka Airport (Canada)
  243. Exploits Valley (Botwood) Airport
  244. Fairmont Hot Springs Airport
  245. Fairview Airport
  246. Farnham Airport
  247. Faro Airport (Yukon)
  248. Fergus (Juergensen Field) Airport
  249. Ferland Airport
  250. Fillmore Airport
  251. Finlay Air Park
  252. Finlayson Lake Airport
  253. Fisher Branch Airport
  254. Flin Flon Airport
  255. Florenceville Airport
  256. Fogo Airport
  257. Fond-du-Lac Airport
  258. Fontages Airport
  259. Fontas Airport
  260. Ford Bay Airport
  261. Fordwich Airport
  262. Foremost Airport
  263. Forestburg Airport
  264. Forestville Airport
  265. Fort Albany Airport
  266. Fort Chipewyan Airport
  267. Fort Erie Airport
  268. Fort Frances Municipal Airport
  269. Fort Good Hope Airport
  270. Fort Graham Airport
  271. Fort Hope Airport
  272. Fort Langley Airport
  273. Fort Liard Airport
  274. Fort MacKay/Horizon Airport
  275. Fort MacLeod (Alcock Farm) Airport
  276. Fort Macleod Airport
  277. Fort McMurray Airport
  278. Fort McMurray/Mildred Lake Airport
  279. Fort McPherson Airport
  280. Fort Nelson Airport
  281. Fort Nelson/Gordon Field Airport
  282. Fort Providence Airport
  283. Fort Resolution Airport
  284. Fort Severn Airport
  285. Fort Simpson Airport
  286. Fort Simpson Island Airport
  287. Fort Smith Airport
  288. Fort St. James (Perison) Airport
  289. Fort Vermilion Airport
  290. Fort Ware Airport
  291. Fox Creek Airport
  292. Fox Harbour Airport
  293. Fox Lake Airport
  294. Fraser Lake Airport
  295. Frontier Airport
  296. Gainsborough Airport
  297. Gamètì/Rae Lakes Airport
  298. Gananoque Airport
  299. Gander International Airport
  300. Gang Ranch Airport
  301. Garden River Airport
  302. Gaspé Airport
  303. Geraldton (Greenstone Regional) Airport
  304. Gilbert Plains Airport
  305. Gillam Airport
  306. Gimli Industrial Park Airport
  307. Gjoa Haven Airport
  308. Gladstone Airport
  309. Glaslyn Airport
  310. Glenboro Airport
  311. Glendon Airport
  312. Goderich Airport
  313. Gods Lake Airport
  314. Gods Lake Narrows Airport
  315. Gods River Airport
  316. Golden Airport
  317. Goodsoil Airport
  318. Gordon Lake Airport
  319. Gore Bay-Manitoulin Airport
  320. Grand Bend Airport
  321. Grand Falls Airport
  322. Grand Forks Airport
  323. Grand Manan Airport
  324. Grand Rapids Airport
  325. Grand River Airport
  326. Grande Airport
  327. Grande Cache Airport
  328. Grande Prairie Airport
  329. Grandes-Bergeronnes Airport
  330. Gravelbourg Airport
  331. Great Bear Lake Airport
  332. Greater Fredericton Airport
  333. Greater Moncton International Airport
  334. Greater Sudbury Airport
  335. Green Lake Airport
  336. Greenbank Airport
  337. Grenfell Airport
  338. Grimsby Air Park
  339. Grimshaw Airport
  340. Grise Fiord Airport
  341. Grist Lake Airport
  342. Guelph Airport
  343. Gull Lake Airport
  344. Gunisao Lake Airport
  345. Hafford Airport
  346. Haines Junction Airport
  347. Haliburton/Stanhope Municipal Airport
  348. Halifax International Airport
  349. Hall Beach Airport
  350. Hamilton/John C. Munro International Airport
  351. Hanley Airport
  352. Hanna Airport
  353. Hanover/Saugeen Municipal Airport
  354. Harbour Grace Airport
  355. Hardisty Airport
  356. Harrow Airport
  357. Hartney Airport
  358. Hatchet Lake Airport
  359. Havelock Airport
  360. Havre St-Pierre Airport
  361. Hawkesbury (East) Airport
  362. Hawkesbury (Windover Field) Airport
  363. Hawkesbury Airport
  364. Hay River Airport
  365. Hearst (René Fontaine) Municipal Airport
  366. Helmet Airport
  367. Hespero Airport
  368. Hidden Bay Airport
  369. High Level Airport
  370. High Prairie Airport
  371. High River Airport
  372. Highgate Airport
  373. Hinton/Entrance Airport
  374. Hinton/Jasper-Hinton Airport
  375. Holland Landing Airpark
  376. Homewood Airport
  377. Hope Airport
  378. Hopedale Airport
  379. Hornepayne Municipal Airport
  380. Houston Airport (British Columbia)
  381. Hudson's Hope Airport
  382. Hudson Bay Airport
  383. Humboldt Airport
  384. Huntsville/Deerhurst Resort Airport
  385. Hyland Airport
  386. Igloolik Airport
  387. Ignace Municipal Airport
  388. Île-à-la-Crosse Airport
  389. Île-aux-Grues Airport
  390. Île aux Coudres Airport
  391. Îles-de-la-Madeleine Airport
  392. Ilford Airport
  393. Imperial Airport
  394. Indus/Winters Aire Park Airport
  395. Ingenika Airport
  396. Innisfail Airport
  397. Inukjuak Airport
  398. Inuvik (Mike Zubko) Airport
  399. Invermere Airport
  400. Iqaluit Airport
  401. Irma Airport
  402. Iroquois Airport
  403. Iroquois Falls Airport
  404. Island Lake Airport
  405. Ituna Airport
  406. Ivujivik Airport
  407. Jan Lake Airport
  408. Janvier Airport
  409. Jasper Airport
  410. Jean Lake Airport
  411. Jean Marie River Airport
  412. Jenpeg Airport
  413. John D'or Prairie Airport
  414. Johnson Lake Airport
  415. Joliette Airport
  416. Juniper Airport
  417. Kakabeka Falls Airport
  418. Kamloops Airport
  419. Kamsak Airport
  420. Kanawata Aeroparc
  421. Kangiqsualujjuaq (Georges River) Airport
  422. Kangiqsujuaq (Wakeham Bay) Airport
  423. Kangirsuk Airport
  424. Kapuskasing Airport
  425. Kars/Rideau Valley Air Park
  426. Kasabonika Airport
  427. Kasba Lake Airport
  428. Kashechewan Airport
  429. Kaslo Airport
  430. Kattiniq/Donaldson Airport
  431. Keene/Elmhirst's Resort Airport
  432. Keewaywin Airport
  433. Kégashka Airport
  434. Kelowna International Airport
  435. Kelsey Airport
  436. Kelvington Airport
  437. Kemess Creek Airport
  438. Kenora Airport
  439. Kerrobert Airport
  440. Key Lake Airport
  441. Killam/Killam-Sedgewick Airport
  442. Killarney Airport
  443. Killarney Municipal Airport
  444. Kimmirut Airport
  445. Kincardine (Ellsi Field) Airport
  446. Kincardine Airport
  447. Kincardine/Shepherd's Landing Airport
  448. Kindersley Airport
  449. Kingfisher Lake Airport
  450. Kingston/Norman Rogers Airport
  451. Kipling Airport
  452. Kirby Lake Airport
  453. Kirkland Lake Airport
  454. Kitimat Airport
  455. Knee Lake Airport
  456. Kugaaruk Airport
  457. Kugluktuk Airport
  458. Kuujjuaq Airport
  459. Kuujjuarapik Airport
  460. Kyle Airport
  461. L'Assomption Airport
  462. La Biche River Airport
  463. La Crete Airport
  464. La Grande-3 Airport
  465. La Grande-4 Airport
  466. La Grande Rivière Airport
  467. La Loche Airport
  468. La Romaine Airport
  469. La Ronge (Barber Field) Airport
  470. La Sarre Airport
  471. La Tabatière Airport
  472. La Tuque Airport
  473. Lac-à-la-Tortue Airport
  474. Lac à la Perchaude Airport
  475. Lac Agile (Mascouche) Airport
  476. Lac Brochet Airport
  477. Lac Du Bonnet Airport
  478. Lac Etchemin Airport
  479. Lac La Biche Airport
  480. Lachute Airport
  481. Lacombe Airport
  482. Lampman Airport
  483. Langley Regional Airport
  484. Lanigan Airport
  485. Lansdowne House Airport
  486. Laurie River Airport
  487. Leader Airport
  488. Leaf Rapids Airport
  489. Leamington Airport
  490. Leask Airport
  491. Lebel-Sue-Quévillon Airport
  492. Lefroy Airport
  493. Lemberg Airport
  494. Lennoxville (Airview) Airport
  495. Leoville Airport
  496. Lethbridge County Airport
  497. Lewvan (Farr Strip) Airport
  498. Likely Airport
  499. Lillooet Airport
  500. Lindsay Airport
  501. Listowel Airport
  502. Little Bear Lake Airport
  503. Little Churchill River Airport
  504. Little Grand Rapids Airport
  505. Liverpool Airport/South Shore Regional
  506. Lloydminster Airport
  507. London International Airport
  508. London/Chapeskie Field Airport
  509. Loon Lake Airport
  510. Loon River Airport
  511. Louiseville Airport
  512. Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon Airport
  513. Lourdes-De-Joliette Airport
  514. Lower East Pubnico (La Field) Airport
  515. Lucan Airport
  516. Lucknow Airpark
  517. Lucky Lake Airport
  518. Lumsden (Colhoun) Airport
  519. Lumsden (Metz) Airport
  520. Lundar Airport
  521. Lupin Airport
  522. Luseland Airport
  523. Lutselk'e Airport
  524. Lynn Lake Airport
  525. Mabel Lake Airport
  526. Macdonald Airport
  527. MacGregor Airport
  528. Mackenzie Airport
  529. Macklin Airport
  530. Macmillian Pass Airport
  531. Madawaska Valley Airpark
  532. Maidstone Airport
  533. Makkovik Airport
  534. Malcolm Island Airport
  535. Manitou Airport
  536. Manitouwadge Airport
  537. Manitowaning/Manitoulin East Municipal Airport
  538. Maniwaki Airport
  539. Manning Airport
  540. Mansfield Airport
  541. Mansonville Airport
  542. Maple Creek Airport
  543. Marathon Airport (Canada)
  544. Marek Farms Airport
  545. Margaree Airport
  546. Margaret Lake Airport
  547. Mary's Harbour Airport
  548. Masset Airport
  549. Matagami Airport
  550. Matane Airport
  551. Matheson Island Airport
  552. Mattawa Airport
  553. Mayerthorpe Airport
  554. Mayo Airport
  555. McArthur River Airport
  556. McBride Airport
  557. McCreary Airport
  558. McQuesten Airport
  559. Meadow Lake Airport
  560. Medicine Hat Airport
  561. Medicine Hat/Schlenker Airport
  562. Melbourne Airport (Ontario)
  563. Melfort Airport
  564. Melita Airport
  565. Melville Municipal Airport
  566. Merritt Airport
  567. Midland/Huronia Airport
  568. Midway Airport (British Columbia)
  569. Milk River (Madge) Airport
  570. Milk River Airport
  571. Miminiska Airport
  572. Minnedosa Airport
  573. Miramichi Airport
  574. Mobil Bistcho Airport
  575. Molson Lake Airport
  576. Moncton/McEwen Airport
  577. Mont-Joli Airport
  578. Mont-Laurier Airport
  579. Mont-Tremblant/St-Jovite Airport
  580. Montmagny Airport
  581. Montréal-Mirabel International Airport
  582. Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport
  583. Montréal/Aéroparc Île Perrot
  584. Montréal/Les Cèdres Airport
  585. Montréal/Mascouche Airport
  586. Montréal/St-Hubert Airport
  587. Montréal/St-Lazare Airport
  588. Moose Jaw Municipal Airport
  589. Moose Jaw/Air Vice Marshal C.M. McEwen Airport
  590. Moose Lake (Lodge) Airport
  591. Moosomin Airport
  592. Moosonee Airport
  593. Morden Airport
  594. Morrisburg Airport
  595. Mountain View Airport
  596. Mule Creek Airport
  597. Muskeg Tower Airport
  598. Muskoka Airport
  599. Muskrat Dam Airport
  600. Nahanni Butte Airport
  601. Naicam Airport
  602. Nain Airport
  603. Nakina Airport
  604. Nakusp Airport
  605. Namur Lake Airport
  606. Nanaimo Airport
  607. Nanisivik Airport
  608. Natashquan Airport
  609. Natuashish Airport
  610. Neepawa Airport
  611. Neilburg Airport
  612. Nejanilini Lake Airport
  613. Nekweaga Bay Airport
  614. Nelson Airport
  615. Nemiscau Airport
  616. Nestor Falls Airport
  617. New Liskeard Airport
  618. New Lowell Airport
  619. Niagara Falls/Niagara South Airport
  620. Nipawin Airport
  621. Nixon Airport
  622. Nobleton Airport
  623. Norman Wells Airport
  624. North Battleford (Cameron McIntosh) Airport
  625. North Battleford/Hamlin Airport
  626. North Bay/Jack Garland Airport
  627. North Peace Airport
  628. North Seal River Airport
  629. North Spirit Lake Airport
  630. Norway House Airport
  631. Norwood Airport
  632. Nueltin Lake Airport
  633. Oak Hammock Air Park Airport
  634. Obre Lake/North of Sixty Airport
  635. Ogilvie River Airport
  636. Ogoki Post Airport
  637. Old Crow Airport
  638. Olds-Didsbury Airport
  639. Olds (Netook) Airport
  640. Oliver Airport
  641. One Hundred Mile House Airport
  642. Opapimiskan Lake Airport
  643. Orangeville/Murray Wesley Kot Field Airport
  644. Orillia Airport
  645. Orton/Smith Field Airport
  646. Oshawa Airport
  647. Osoyoos Airport
  648. Ospika Airport
  649. Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport
  650. Ottawa/Carp Airport
  651. Ottawa/Gatineau Airport
  652. Ottawa/Rockcliffe Airport
  653. Otter Lake Airport
  654. Outlook Airport
  655. Owen Sound/Billy Bishop Regional Airport
  656. Oxbow Airport
  657. Oxford House Airport
  658. Oyen Municipal Airport
  659. Palmerston Airport
  660. Pangman Airport
  661. Pangnirtung Airport
  662. Paradise Hill Airport
  663. Paramount Bistcho Airport
  664. Parent Airport
  665. Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport
  666. Patuanak Airport
  667. Paulatuk Airport
  668. Peace River Airport
  669. Peawanuck Airport
  670. Pelee Island Airport
  671. Pelican Airport
  672. Pelican Narrows Airport
  673. Pelly Crossing Airport
  674. Pemberton Airport
  675. Pembroke Airport
  676. Pendleton Airport
  677. Penticton Regional Airport
  678. Petawawa Airport
  679. Peterborough Airport
  680. Pickering Airport
  681. Pickle Lake Airport
  682. Picton Airport
  683. Pikangikum Airport
  684. Pikwitonei Airport
  685. Pilot Butte Airport
  686. Pincher Creek Airport
  687. Pine Dock Airport
  688. Pine Lake Airport
  689. Pinehouse Lake Airport
  690. Piney Pinecreek Border Airport
  691. Pitt Meadows Airport
  692. Plevna/Tomvale Airport
  693. Points North Landing Airport
  694. Pokemouche Airport
  695. Pond Inlet Airport
  696. Ponoka Industrial (Labrie Field) Airport
  697. Poplar Hill Airport
  698. Poplar River Airport
  699. Porcupine Plain Airport
  700. Port-Menier Airport
  701. Port Alberni (Alberni Valley Regional) Airport
  702. Port au Choix Airport
  703. Port Colborne Airport
  704. Port Elgin (Pryde Field) Airport
  705. Port Elgin Airport
  706. Port Hardy Airport
  707. Port Hawkesbury Airport
  708. Port Hope Simpson Airport
  709. Port McNeill Airport
  710. Portage La Prairie (North) Airport
  711. Portage La Prairie/Southport Airport
  712. Porters Lake Airport
  713. Poste Montagnais (Mile 134) Airport
  714. Postville Airport
  715. Powell River Airport
  716. Prairie Creek Airport
  717. Preeceville Airport
  718. Prince Albert (Glass Field) Airport
  719. Prince George (North Cariboo Air Park) Airport
  720. Prince George Airport
  721. Prince Rupert Airport
  722. Princeton Airport
  723. Provost Airport
  724. Pukatawagan Airport
  725. Puntzi Mountain Airport
  726. Puvirnituq Airport
  727. Qikiqtarjuaq Airport
  728. Qualicum Beach Airport
  729. Quamichan Lake (Raven Field) Airport
  730. Quaqtaq Airport
  731. Québec/Jean Lesage International Airport
  732. Quesnel Airport
  733. Quesnel Lake Airport
  734. Quilchena Airport
  735. Quill Lake Airport
  736. Radisson Airport
  737. Radium Hot Springs Airport
  738. Radville Airport
  739. Rae/Edzo Airport
  740. Rainbow Lake Airport
  741. Rankin Inlet Airport
  742. Red Deer Forestry Airport
  743. Red Deer Regional Airport
  744. Red Earth Creek Airport
  745. Red Lake Airport
  746. Red Sucker Lake Airport
  747. Regina Beach Airport
  748. Regina International Airport
  749. Region of Waterloo International Airport
  750. Repulse Bay Airport
  751. Resolute Bay Airport
  752. Reston/R.M. of Pipestone Airport
  753. Revelstoke Airport
  754. Richelieu Airport
  755. Riding Mountain Airport
  756. Rigolet Airport
  757. Rimby Airport
  758. Rimouski Airport
  759. Riverton Airport
  760. Rivière-du-Loup Airport
  761. Rivière Bonnard Airport
  762. Rivière Rouge/Mont-Tremblant International Inc Airport
  763. Roberval Airport
  764. Roblin Airport
  765. Rocanville Airport
  766. Rockglen Airport
  767. Rockton Airport
  768. Rocky Mountain House Airport
  769. Rockyford Airport
  770. Rodney (New Glasgow) Airport
  771. Roland (Graham Field) Airport
  772. Rosenort Airport
  773. Rosetown Airport
  774. Ross River Airport
  775. Rougemont Airport
  776. Round Lake (Weagamow Lake) Airport
  777. Rouyn-Noranda Airport
  778. Russell Airport
  779. Sachigo Lake Airport
  780. Sachs Harbour Airport
  781. Saint John Airport
  782. Salluit Airport
  783. Salmon Arm Airport
  784. Sandspit Airport
  785. Sandy Bay Airport
  786. Sandy Lake Airport
  787. Sanikiluaq Airport
  788. Sarnia (Chris Hadfield) Airport
  789. Saskatoon International Airport
  790. Saskatoon/Corman Air Park
  791. Sault Ste. Marie Airport
  792. Scar Creek Airport
  793. Schefferville Airport
  794. Scottsfield Airpark
  795. Scum Lake Airport
  796. Sechelt-Gibsons Airport
  797. Selkirk Airport
  798. Senneterre Airport
  799. Sept-Îles Airport
  800. Sevogle Airport
  801. Sexsmith/Exeter Airport
  802. Shamattawa Airport
  803. Shaunavon Airport
  804. Shediac Bridge Airport
  805. Shelburne/Burbank Field Airport
  806. Shellbrook Airport
  807. Sherbrooke Airport
  808. Shoal Lake Airport
  809. Silver City Airport
  810. Silver Falls Airport
  811. Simcoe (Dennison Field) Airport
  812. Sioux Lookout Airport
  813. Sioux Narrows Airport
  814. Slate Falls Airport
  815. Slave Lake Airport
  816. Smithers Airport
  817. Smiths Falls-Montague Airport
  818. Snap Lake Airport
  819. Snare River Airport
  820. Snow Lake Airport
  821. Somerset Airport
  822. Sorel Airport
  823. Souris Glenwood Industrial Air Park
  824. South Indian Lake Airport
  825. South River/Sundridge Airport
  826. Southampton Airport (Ontario)
  827. Southend Airport (Saskatchewan)
  828. Sparwood/Elk Valley Airport
  829. Spirit River Airport
  830. Spiritwood Airport
  831. Spring Valley (North) Airport
  832. Springdale Airport
  833. Springhouse Airpark
  834. Springwater (Barrie Airpark)
  835. Squamish Airport
  836. Squaw Rapids Airport
  837. St-Anselme Airport
  838. St-Augustin Airport
  839. St-Basîle (Marcotte) Airport
  840. St-Bruno-De-Guigues Airport
  841. St-Dominique Airport
  842. St-Donat Airport
  843. St-Ferdinand Airport
  844. St-Frédéric Airport
  845. St-Georges Airport
  846. St-Hyacinthe Airport
  847. St-Jean Airport
  848. St-Jean Chrysostome Airport
  849. St-Jérôme Airport
  850. St-Lambert-de-Lauzon Airport
  851. St-Louis-De-France Airport
  852. St-Mathias Airport
  853. St-Mathias/Grant Airport
  854. St-Mathieu-De-Beloeil Airport
  855. St-Michel-Des-Saints Airport
  856. St-Quentin Airport
  857. St-Raymond/Paquet Airport
  858. St-Victor-De-Beauce Airport
  859. St. Andrews (Codroy Valley) Airport
  860. St. Anthony Airport
  861. St. Brieux Airport
  862. St. Catharines/Niagara District Airport
  863. St. Francis Airport
  864. St. François Xavier Airport
  865. St. John's International Airport
  866. St. Joseph Island Airport
  867. St. Leonard Airport
  868. St. Lewis (Fox Harbour) Airport
  869. St. Paul Airport
  870. St. Stephen Airport
  871. St. Theresa Point Airport
  872. St. Thomas Airport
  873. Stanhope Airport
  874. Stanley Airport
  875. Stanstead/Weller Airport
  876. Starbuck Airport
  877. Ste-Agnès-de-Dundee Airport
  878. Ste-Anne-des-Monts Airport
  879. Ste-Julienne Airport
  880. Ste-Lucie-De-Beauregard Airport
  881. Ste. Rose Du Lac Airport
  882. Steen River Airport
  883. Steen Tower Airport
  884. Steinbach (South) Airport
  885. Steinbach Airport
  886. Stephenville Airport
  887. Stettler Airport
  888. Stewart Airport (British Columbia)
  889. Stirling Airport
  890. Stoney Creek Airport
  891. Stoney Point (Le Cunff) Airport
  892. Stony Plain (Lichtner Farms) Airport
  893. Stony Rapids Airport
  894. Straffordville Airport
  895. Stratford Municipal Airport
  896. Strathclair Airport
  897. Strathmore (D.J. Murray) Airport
  898. Strathroy (Blue Yonder) Airport
  899. Sudbury/Coniston Airport
  900. Summer Beaver Airport
  901. Summerside Airport
  902. Sundre Airport
  903. Sundre/Goodwins Farm Airport
  904. Surrey/King George Airpark
  905. Sussex Airport
  906. Swan Hills Airport
  907. Swan River Airport
  908. Swift Current Airport
  909. Sydney Airport (Nova Scotia)
  910. Taber Airport
  911. Tadoule Lake Airport
  912. Taloyoak Airport
  913. Taltheilei Narrows Airport
  914. Taltson River Airport
  915. Tanquary Fiord Airport
  916. Tasiujaq Airport
  917. Teepee Airport
  918. Teeswater (Thompson Field) Airport
  919. Telegraph Creek Airport
  920. Terrace Airport
  921. Teslin Airport
  922. Tête-à-La-Baleine Airport
  923. Texada/Gillies Bay Airport
  924. The Pas Airport
  925. The Pas/Grace Lake Airport
  926. Thessalon Municipal Airport
  927. Thetford Mines Airport
  928. Thicket Portage Airport
  929. Thompson Airport
  930. Thorburn Airport
  931. Three Hills Airport
  932. Thunder Bay International Airport
  933. Tillsonburg Airport
  934. Timmins Airport
  935. Tipella Airport
  936. Tisdale Airport
  937. Toad River/Mile 422 (Alaska Highway) Airport
  938. Tobermory Airport
  939. Tofield Airport
  940. Tofino Airport
  941. Toronto City Centre Airport
  942. Toronto Pearson International Airport
  943. Toronto/Buttonville Municipal Airport
  944. Toronto/Downsview Airport
  945. Toronto/Markham Airport
  946. Tottenham/Volk Airport
  947. Trail Airport
  948. Treherne (South Norfolk Airpark)
  949. Treherne Airport
  950. Trenton Airport (Nova Scotia)
  951. Trois-Rivières Airport
  952. Trout Lake Airport (Alberta)
  953. Trout Lake Airport (Northwest Territories)
  954. Tsacha Lake Airport
  955. Tsay Keh Airport
  956. Tsetzi Lake (Pan Phillips) Airport
  957. Tsuniah Lake Lodge Airport
  958. Tuktoyaktuk Airport
  959. Tulita Airport
  960. Tumbler Ridge Airport
  961. Tungsten (Cantung) Airport
  962. Turner Valley Bar N Ranch Airport
  963. Twin Creeks Airport
  964. Two Hills Airport
  965. Tyendinaga (Mohawk) Airport
  966. Ulukhaktok/Holman Airport
  967. Umiujaq Airport
  968. Unity Airport
  969. Uranium City Airport
  970. Val-d'Or Airport
  971. Valcourt Airport
  972. Valemount Airport
  973. Valley Airport
  974. Valleyfield Airport
  975. Valleyview Airport
  976. Vancouver International Airport
  977. Vanderhoof Airport
  978. Vauxhall Airport
  979. Vegreville Airport
  980. Vermilion Airport
  981. Vermilion Bay Airport
  982. Vernon Airport
  983. Victoria Inner Harbour Airport Cert
  984. Victoria International Airport
  985. Victoriaville Airport
  986. Viking Airport
  987. Virden (Gabrielle Farm) Airport
  988. Virden (West) Airport
  989. Virden Airport
  990. Vulcan Airport
  991. Wabasca Airport
  992. Wabush Airport
  993. Wadena Airport
  994. Wainwright Airport (Alberta)
  995. Wainwright/Camp Wainwright Field Airport
  996. Wainwright/Wainwright (Field 21) Airport
  997. Wakaw Airport
  998. Warburg/Zajes Airport
  999. Warner Airport
  1000. Warren/Woodlands Airport
  1001. Waskaganish Airport
  1002. Waterville/Kings County Municipal Airport
  1003. Watrous Airport
  1004. Watson Lake Airport
  1005. Wawa Airport
  1006. Wawota Airport
  1007. Webequie Airport
  1008. Wekweètì Airport
  1009. Welland/Niagara Central Airport
  1010. Wemindji Airport
  1011. West Poplar Airport
  1012. Westlock Airport
  1013. Westport/Rideau Lakes Airport
  1014. Wetaskiwin Airport
  1015. Weyburn Airport
  1016. Weyman Airpark
  1017. Weymontachie Airport
  1018. Whale Cove Airport
  1019. Whatì Airport
  1020. White City (Radomsky) Airport
  1021. Whitecourt Airport
  1022. Whitehorse International Airport
  1023. Whitehorse/Cousins Airport
  1024. Whitewood Airport
  1025. Wiarton Airport
  1026. Wilkie Airport
  1027. Williams Harbour Airport
  1028. Williams Lake Airport
  1029. Willow Bunch Airport
  1030. Winchester Airport
  1031. Windermere Airport
  1032. Windsor Airport
  1033. Wingham Airport
  1034. Winkler Airport
  1035. Winnipeg International Airport
  1036. Winnipeg/Lyncrest Airport
  1037. Winnipeg/St. Andrews Airport
  1038. Winterland Airport
  1039. Wollaston Lake Airport
  1040. Woodcock Airport
  1041. Woodstock Airport (New Brunswick)
  1042. Woodstock Airport (Ontario)
  1043. Wrigley Airport
  1044. Wunnummin Lake Airport
  1045. Wyevale (Boker Field) Airport
  1046. Wynyard Airport
  1047. Yarmouth Airport
  1048. Yellowknife Airport
  1049. York Airport (Ontario)
  1050. York Landing Airport
  1051. Yorkton Municipal Airport
  1052. Zama Airport
  1053. Zama Lake Airport
  1054. Zhoda Airport