Camulus (Stargate)

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Stargate character

Camulus in New Order
Race Goa'uld
Gender Male
Rank System Lord
Birthplace Unknown
Television portrayer Steve Bacic
Key episodes "New Order" (first appearance)

Camulus, portraying the Celtic god of war, was a Goa'uld System Lord who came to power during the weakening of his species dominance over our Galaxy. He was on occasion addressed as Cammie by Jack O'Neill. [1]

[edit] History

When the SGC defeated Anubis, he arranged a meeting with Earth for negotiating a treaty with Earth. He was, in fact, hoping to discover the secret behind the Ancient super-weapon that defeated Anubis.

He arrived on Earth in a delegation of three System Lords: himself, Amaterasu and Lord Yu. Upon arrival on Earth, Camulus insisted that he did not wish to involve himself in trivialities such as the names of the slaves he was negotiating with. Throughout the negotiation he enforced his species' dominance, despite the fact that he had arrived with a plea for aid. The delegation wanted to lure Ba'al to Earth, who was quickly defeating the remaining System Lords after Anubis's defeat. In return, they offered the SGC hyperdrive engines for an entire fleet. Dr. Elizabeth Weir, the then commander of the SGC, refused their proposition.

During an impasse in the negotiations, Camulus and the other members of the delegation ordered a Goa'uld Ha'tak vessel to attack Earth, with the intent of testing the Earth's defensive capabilities. This vessel was, however, destroyed by Ba'al en route. This attack was detected before the delegation could return through the Stargate, and Dr. Weir made them the SGC's prisoners. Then, Camulus requested Weir's presence and informed her that he wished for asylum on Earth. In exchange for information he would not be killed, as he had recently lost all of his forces. [2]

Camulus remained at the SGC for several weeks, until Ba'al demanded him as ransom for the return of SG-1, whose members he alleged he had captured (he was in fact bluffing, having tricked SG-3 into "witnessing" the capture). As Camulus was desperate, he revealed the location of an offworld ZPM to General Jack O'Neill. However, Camulus had previously tampered with the device, so that it would explode with enough force to destroy an entire solar system.

Camulus offered to make the trade with Ba'al, hoping he would accept the trade and use the tampered ZPM to destroy himself. But General O'Neill gave him the depleted ZPM from Proclarush Taonas instead. Ba'al, likely not amused, probably tortured and killed Camulus. [1]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b "Zero Hour" (Stargate SG-1)
  2. ^ "New Order" (Stargate SG-1)

[edit] External Links

Recurring characters on Stargate SG-1 Edit
Tau'ri Malcolm Barrett | Jacob Carter | Chekov | Adrian Conrad | Paul Davis | Paul Emerson | Louis Ferretti | Janet Fraiser
Walter Harriman | Charles Kawalsky | Robert Kinsey | Carolyn Lam | Catherine Langford | Bill Lee
Harry Maybourne | Lionel Pendergast | Robert Rothman | Frank Simmons | Pete Shanahan | Siler | Richard Woolsey
Other Humans Cassandra | Kasuf | Linea | Ma'chello | Martin Lloyd | Sha're | Shifu | Skaara
Goa'uld Amaterasu | Amonet | Anubis | Apophis | Ba'al | Camulus | Cronus | Hathor | Heru-ur
Nerus | Osiris | Ra | Sokar | Tanith | Yu | Zipacna
Jaffa Bra'tac | Gerak | Ishta | Rya'c
Other Adria | Chaka | Fifth | Harlan | Lotan | Oma Desala | Reese | Replicator Carter | Thor
Lists by race All | Tau'ri | Ancient, Aschen, Asgard, Goa'uld, Jaffa, Langaran, Lucian Alliance
Ori, Replicator, Tok'ra, Tollan, System Lord
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