Camp Yawgoog

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Yawgoog's Entrance Sign in 2005.
Yawgoog's Entrance Sign in 2005.

Yawgoog Scout Reservation (usually shortened to Camp Yawgoog) is a 1800 acre reservation for Scouting located in Rockville, Rhode Island operated by the Narragansett Council. It has been operating for 90 years, 2006 will mark its 91st Season. It runs an eight-week summer camping program every summer where Boy Scouts from across the Northeast region and from across the country stay for a week with their troops. The Reservation is divided into three camps, Camps Three Point, Medicine Bow, and Sandy Beach. Generally, each camp offers the same programs and experiences, although scouts tend to be very gung-ho about their particular camp. Yawgoog serves thousands of scouts and scouters yearly.


[edit] History

The Entrance Gate to Camp Yawgoog

In 1916, Scout Executive Donald North, after inspecting some 20 lakes in Rhode Island, recommended the deserted Joseph Palmer farm property on Yawgoog Pond as a permanent reservation for Scouting. The 150 acre piece was leased to Rhode Island Boy Scouts (RIBS) in 1916, tried out, and purchased in 1917. Yawgoog and Wincheck, according to local tradition, were the names of two Narragansett Indian Chiefs. The water rights to the pond, named for Chief Yawgoog, were purchased in 1953 from the Yawgo Line and Twine Company. The reservation continues to be separately owned by the RIBS, even after their merger with BSA.

[edit] Availability

Yawgoog is normally active during the summer for 8 weeks of operation. During the off season of Yawgoog, tent camping is done at Curtis Tract, Located in Sandy Beach. Cabin Camping is done in the four cabins near the Bucklin.This is usually avilable for troops who wish preform such outdoor events.

[edit] The Camps

Each camp is capable of operating independently as each camp has a dining hall, a waterfront and a trading post. Each camp shares its program centers with the rest of the reservation, so scouts from Sandy Beach come to Three Point to earn nature merit badges at the Nature Center and scouts from Three Point go to Sandy Beach to participate in the Shooting Sports program. As a result the three camps' staff share a friendly rivalry throughout the summer and off-season. Each camp employs a Services Staff, a Kitchen Staff, a Cook, and an administration. The administration of the camp is usually comprised of the Camp Director, the Assistant Camp Director, and two program commissioners (three for Sandy Beach). They run the camp's program and services areas and answer to the Reservation Director, at present Mr. Thomas Sisson. Camp Songs Each camp has several songs which represents it to the other camps on the reservation. These songs are sung usually in respective dining halls during meals, although they can occur quite spontaneously anywhere on (and off) the reservation.

[edit] Camp Three Point

Camp Three Point Dining Hall
Camp Three Point Dining Hall
Camp Three Point Water Front
Camp Three Point Water Front
A2 Rope Course
A2 Rope Course

Camp Three Point, named after the three points of the scout oath, was the first of the three camps to be founded. It has been given the moniker as "The Oldest and Most Tradition-Filled Camp" on the reservation. Today, Camp Three Point encompasses the Challenge Course, the Bucklin Building, the Arthur Livingston Kelly Nature Center, The Three Point Waterfront, the first New Frontier Center on reservation, and the 407 Outfitters, the Reservation's largest Trading Post. It also is the home to the Memorial Bell Tower, which tolls at 12 PM daily. Three Point's camp color is green, usually of a dark hunter green character. Its Mascot is Danny the Deer, who "just hangs around" in the reservation's oldest dining hall, Sharpe Lodge, which was built in 1924. Three Point has the distinction of being the first camp founded, and can claim to have once been Yawgoog Scout Reservation in its entirety.

[edit] Three point song/cheer

(clapping at a very fast tempo) We're all glad that we are here
So for Three Point, Lets give a cheer
We're all here to have some fun
So in Scouting and in Three Point, we are one
Hey Hey Hey
Boom-Chicka boom, Boom-Chicka Boom,
Boom Chicka Boom Chicka Boom Boom
Wah-O-Wah, Wah-O-wah,
Three Point Three Point
Rah Rah Rah! Yea!
Cheer: Point Point, Lets hear it for the Point
Point Point po Point banananana fo-Foint
Fe Fi Fo Foint, Point, Whoo!
Shh Shh Shh, Whoo whoo.

[edit] Medicine Bow

Camp Medicine Bow Dining Hall
Camp Medicine Bow Dining Hall
Camp Medicine Bow Water Front
Camp Medicine Bow Water Front

After the founding of Camp Three Point, the popularity of the reservation would grow to the point where a second camp was required. It was laid down in the mid to late 1920s, and would be named Medicine Bow. Built around Rathom Lodge, Medicine Bow today encompasses the center section of Yawgoog's developed land. It houses the following program centers: The Counselor-in-Training Corps, The Baden Powell provisional camp, The Crafts Center, the Medicine Bow Waterfront, The Ashaway Aquatics Center, a horizontal climbing wall, and the Health Lodge. Medicine Bow also generally houses the staff from Reservation Services, who bring food to the camps and take care of the camp's business happenings. It is also home to the reservation's active motorboat, the Charlie Brown which patrols the pond for capsized boats. The Charlie Brown is docked at Ashaway Aquatics Center also the home of the Yawgoog Yacht Club. Medicine Bow's color is red, usually in a fire engine color. MB's mascot is Elmo the Elk who presides over Rathom Lodge during meals. Additionally, two wooden Roosters grace the entrance to Medicine Bow. Camp Medicine Bow's nickname is, "The Heart of Yawgoog," or "the cream between the two oreo cookies."

[edit] Medicine Bow Song/Cheer

O I'm a Hayseed
My Hair is seaweed
and my ears are made of Leather and
they flop in rainy weather
gosh o hemlock, HEY
tough as a pine knot, HO
For I come from Medicine Bow, Can't you see?
HEY, HEY, Bow for the bow
RAH, RAH, Bow for the bow
Medicine Bow, RAH, RAH, RAH, YEA

[edit] Sandy Beach

Camp Sandy Beach Dining Hall
Camp Sandy Beach Dining Hall

Located somewhat to the North of Medicine Bow lies Camp Sandy Beach. It was built in the mid-1930s around Metcalf Hall. Today, Sandy Beach calls itself the "Youngest and most Spirited camp" as well as "the Powerhouse of Yawgoog." Sandy Beach maintains the following program areas: The Lane Bliven Rifle Range, The Archery Range, The Trap Range (all under the direction of the Shooting Sports department,) Campcraft, Beach Frontier (the second and final incarnation of the New Frontier program to date) the Sandy Beach Waterfront, and The Scoutmaster Essentials Program. Sandy Beach's color is blue, and their mascot is Jim the Moose, who lords over Metcalf Lodge during meals. The camp is also home to 5 other mascots: a beaver, two bananas, and one "crazy" crocodile. Sandy Beach also generally has the largest number of scouts to serve, as the camp's capacity for scouts is greater than the other two. Sandy Beach also houses the Reservation Baker, who works in the Bake Shoppe which is attached to the kitchen.

[edit] Sandy Beach Song/Cheer

PACK up your duffle
hustle up to Sandy
smile smile smile
laughs are the style and the skys are blue,
that's the place for you
HEY, whats the use of wandering?
Theres none can reach the beach,
So hustle up your duffle up the fun will double up
at Sandy Beach
ta da ta da ta da ta da ti boom ti boom ti boom
sandy beach rah rah sandy beach rah rah
HOO-rah HOO-rah sandy beach rah rah rah YEA!

[edit] Campsite Names

Each camp has a particular manner of naming their campsites. Note that there are aberrations in the naming scheme, especially in Three Point, where there was no set guideline as to what the names would be, therefore they are generally erratic and follow only a general pattern.

Three Point:
Famous People in Yawgoog history, old scouting nicknames: Donald Dewing, Forty-Niner, Frontier, Musketeer, Oak Ridge, Pioneer, Santa Fe, Scott, Sleepy Hollow, Street, Tuocs (Scout spelled backwords), Wells Fargo, Zucculo

Medicine Bow:
Native American derived names, with the exception of Baden-Powell Provisional Camp and Campsite Dan Boone, which were acquired from Sandy Beach several years ago, when the waterfront became the end of the camps: Baden-Powell (aka Sequan), Cautantowit, Dan Boone, Manchose, Manitoo, Minnikesu, Netop, Neimpaug, Waskecke, Weemat, Wetuomuck, Wunegin, Wuttah. Occasionally, if Sandy Beach is full to the brim, campsite Abe Lincoln becomes a Medicine Bow campsite for the week and is given the name Yotannit.

Sandy Beach:
Famous Americans throughout history: Abe Lincoln, Audubon, Backwoods, Davy Crockett, Donald Cady, George Washington, Jim Bridger, Jim Bowie, James West, John Glenn, Kit Carson, Lewis & Clark, Neil Armstrong, Norman Rockwell, Richard Byrd, Silver Buffalo, Teddy Roosevelt

[edit] Places Of Yawgoog

Donald North Court Donald North Court is the direct grounds surrounding the east side of the Bucklin Memorial (across the road is the Tim O'Neil Field where the Sunday dress parade happens) These grounds are named after the scout executive Donald North. The grass court is surrounded by the 407 outfitters building (North side) 4 Cabins on the south, and beyond that, the Challenge Center.

Bucklin Memorial The Bucklin Memorial, named after Cpt. George Bucklin is replica of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Barracks. Most administration work is done in here. This building is under Three Point Jurisdiction. On the first level, the southern side houses the off season camp master's quarter's as well as a kitchen and very small dining hall, while on the northern face has a stairwell to the second floor as well as bathrooms with flush toilets and showers. The second floor holds the administration offices on the north side, while the south has a meeting hall.

Yawgoog Heritage Center Yawgoog Heritage Center (YHC) was opened in 2003 to replace the old museum located in the Bucklin Building, built from the old trading post, which now sits in front of the Museum on the same pavilion. It contains artifacts from throughout Yawgoog's history and offers scouts and scouters a look at the history of the camp.

Dining Hall Scout receive three meals a day at their camp's respective dining halls. These places can be considered a social gather place as scouts of different patrols eat together as well as rotating adult leaders with these groups. In the morning and at night, the flag raising/lowering is done before troops are allowed into the dining halls. Scout spirit can be considered high during meals as troops sing songs and cheer cheers.

Waterfront Each Camp has a fully functional Waterfront. The waterfronts have three swimming zones; 0-3 feet, 3-7 feet, 7-12 feet (non-swimmer, beginner and swimmer respectfully). There are also a rowboat and canoe launch for Yawgoog boats. Scouts and Adult leaders on Monday do a swimmers test to test their abilities.

Yawgoog Pond.
Yawgoog Pond.

Merit Badges/ Awards There are 4 merit badges taught at the waterfronts, 2 of which are Eagle required. There are also three other awards.

A. Livingston Kelley Environmental Education Center The A. Livingston Kelley Environmental Education Center was built in 1983 following a sizable donation on behalf of Arthur Livingston Kelley and the sale of the Kelgrant Camping Area. The KEEC, as it is more commonly referred to, houses the Nature Center. The south face looks out onto Tim O'Neil field. Merit Badge Program for Camp Yawgoog.


Merit Badges The KEEC offers 11 different merit badges relating in one way or another to Nature and Ecology. Of the 11, only one, Environmental Science, is Eagle required.

Staff The Nature Staff is a hardworking group of individuals, who, for one reason or another put a great amount of effort into running and maintaining the KEEC. The KEEC, when operating with a full staff, has 8 general staffmen, an assistant director, and a director. The Nature Director for the 2006 year is Mr. Andy Rees.

The center's staff have a half bathroom (with flushing toilet), reading library, refrigerator, coffee pot, and computer network at their disposal.

Heating System The building itself was constructed to utilize heat energy from the sun to keep the building warm. Photothermal panels were installed on the roof to collect that energy and heat air inside the attic of the KEEC. Eventually, the KEEC's heating system was deemed cost-ineffective, and was shut down.

[edit] Segments

There are many things that can be done at Yawgoog, in order to recognize most of these activities, segments are given out. Segments are little curved rectangular patches which go around the Yawgoog patch on a circular piece of felt (the color can be of personal preference). This can hold up to 3/4 rows (some people who have more segments than space can handle sew on additional fabric). Campsites

Medicine Bow Years of Issue Background Info
Medicine Bow


Sandy Beach Years of Issue Background Info
Sandy Beach


Three Point Years of Issue Background Info


CIT Provisional Camp Years of Issue Background Info


B-P Provisional Camp Years of Issue Background Info



Cannoeing Years of Issue Background Info


Earned by completing orientation and going out in a cannoe
Kayaking Years of Issue Background Info


Earned by completing orientation and going out in a Kayak. Must be 13
Mile Swim Years of Issue Background Info
Mile Swim


Earned by completing the mile swim
Skipper Years of Issue Background Info


Earned by completing orientation and going out in a sailboat


AI Years of Issue Background Info


Earned by completing the low rope course and group challenges
AC Years of Issue Background Info


Earned by completing the low rope course and group challenges
AII Years of Issue Background Info


Earned by completing the high rope course. Must be 14
AIII (Giant’s Ladder) Years of Issue Background Info


Earned by climbing the “Giant’s Ladder”
Challenge Valley Years of Issue Background Info


Earned by completing the mud course. The mud course is located across from Ashaway. Challenge Valley was not open during the 2006 season. Must be at least 13
HAT Trail Years of Issue Background Info


Earned by completing the Handicapped Awareness Trail
Rappelling Years of Issue Background Info


Earned by Rappelling Down a Tower


Bronze CY Years of Issue Background Info
Bronze CY


first CY segment. Can only be received as a first year Scout
Gold CY Years of Issue
Gold CY


Silver CY Years of Issue Background Info
Silver CY


The Highest CY segment


ASM Years of Issue Background Info


Given to Assistant Scoutmasters
Knights of Yawgoog Years of Issue Background Info
Knights of Yawgoog


Given to new adults who stayed a full week at Yawgoog. They are Given also a Potato to wear around their neck for the leaving Sunday
SM Years of Issue Background Info


Given to the Scoutmaster of the Troop
Years of Issue Background Info


Given to the SPL of the troop
Staff Years of Issue Background Info


Given to Scouts who serve a full summer at Yawgoog on staff

Shooting Sports

Riffle Years of Issue Background Info


Given to those who complete orientation and shoot a riffle
Trap Years of Issue Background Info


Given to those who complete orientation and shoot a Shotgun. Must be at least 15 to shoot
Yeoman Years of Issue Background Info


Given to those who complete orientation and shoot a 120 on a bow and arrow

States Scouts and Adult Leader receive their home state segment


Special Segments

Barn Years of Issue Background Info


Given to those who complete a merit badge at the Barn. New for the 2006 season
Hurricane Bob Years of Issue Background Info


Given to those who spent the week at Yawgoog during the hurricane
Hurricane Bertha Years of Issue Background Info


Given to those who spent the week at Yawgoog during the hurricane. Ment to be an acronym of Bertha Over Yawgoog
Eagle Years of Issue Background Info


Earned by scouts who complete an Eagle required merit badge at Yawgoog
Ecology Years of Issue Background Info


Given to those who perform a natured orientated skill
Hiker Years of Issue Background Info


Given to those who Hiked all the trails
OA Years of Issue Background Info


Given to those who are part of the OA
Troop of the Week Years of Issue Background Info
Troop of the Week


Given to Troops who earn Troop of the Week
YAA (Yawgoog Alumni Association) Years of Issue Background Info


Given to those who are part of the YAA. Anybody who camped at Yawgoog is eligible for the YAA
YHC (Yawgoog Heritage Center) Years of Issue Background Info


Given to those who go to the Heritage Center
Worship Years of Issue Background Info


Given to those who go to daily mass


Cycling Years of Issue Background Info


Given to those that done the mountain bike trail
Recycling Years of Issue Background Info

19??–2002 ????

Given to those who recycle 10 cans.

Although considered to be discontinued, the local scout shops recive shipments of this segment.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links