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The game of cammag is a Manx team sport. It is similar to the Irish hurling and its related Scottish Gaelic game of shinty. It used to be the most widespread sport on the Isle of Man (Ellan Vannin). It involves a stick (cammag) and a ball (crick) with anything between four and hundreds of players. Sometimes whole towns and villages took part, or even played each other. The cammag can be any stick with a bent end, and like the modern Irish camán is drived from the Gaelic root word cam, meaning bent. The crick can be made from cork or wood. A gorse wood cammag, if of suitable size and shape, was a very much treasured possession[1]. Old accounts tell us that it was sometimes covered in cloth or leather to make it less painful to hit. Cammag season started on Hunt the Wren Day (26th December) and was only played by men (of all ages) during the winter. Corris’s Close, now Athol Street, was the chief playing-ground in the town of Peel (Purt ny Hinshey). In modern times, an annual match of cammag is played in St. John's (Balley Keill Eoin).