Camel News Caravan

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The Camel News Caravan was a 15 minute prime time American television news program aired by NBC from 1949 to 1956. Sponsored by the Camel cigarette brand and anchored by John Cameron Swayze. It the first NBC news program to use NBC filmed news stories rather than movie newsreels.

Network news had a humble beginning. Launched in February 1948 by NBC, Camel Newsreel Theatre was a 10-minute program that featured Movietone News newsreels. John Cameron Swayze provided voice-over for the series.

The Camel News Caravan was an expanded version of the "Camel Newsreel Theatre" and was the first regularly scheduled television news program in the United States to produce its own news stories. It was cancelled with the introduction of the Huntley-Brinkley Report in 1956. The show's competitor was CBS Evening News.

For overall perspective of early news programs, see main article United States television news

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