Calon Lan

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Calon Lân is a Welsh hymn, whose words were written in the 1800s by Daniel James (23 January 1848 - 11 March 1920) to a tune by John Hughes (1872-1914). The hymn is often associated with Welsh rugby union, being sung before almost every Test match involving the Welsh national team.

Next year (2007) the song will be one of the traditional Welsh hymns to make it to the screen in an S4C series Codi Canu, as an attempt is made to bring traditional four-part harmony choral singing back to the Welsh rugby terraces.

[edit] Lyrics

Nid wy'n gofyn bywyd moethus,
Aur y byd na'i berlau mân:
Gofyn wyf am galon hapus,
Calon onest, calon lân.

Calon lân yn llawn daioni,
Tecach yw na'r lili dlos:
Does ond calon lân all ganu
Canu'r dydd a chanu'r nos.

Pe dymunwn olud bydol,
Hedyn buan ganddo sydd;
Golud calon lân, rinweddol,
Yn dwyn bythol elw fydd.


Hwyr a bore fy nymuniad
Gwyd i'r nef ar adain cân
Ar i Dduw, er mwyn fy Ngheidwad,
Roddi i mi galon lân.
