Call screener

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Call screeners are the people that initially answer the phones when people call into a TV or radio broadcast. They quickly determine the air quality of the call and if the caller's comments will further the topic or add a new point. Their job is to put the best calls on the air and filter out the callers that don't have anything "worthwhile" to add to the conversation.

[edit] Notable Call Screeners

Although the names of most call screeners never make it on the air, there are a few notable screeners that are major characters on their shows.

  • Joe Ardinger of the Don and Mike Show (said to be the oldest call screener in the world)
  • Flipper[1] of the Sean Hannity show (liberal screener on conservative talk show)
  • Chunks of The Hideout (call screener and stunt guy)
  • Lindsay Delong of Dick and Skibba (call screener, news person, rapper, female perspective on a show aimed at men)