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The Catholic Agency For Overseas Development (CAFOD), previously known as the Catholic Fund for Overseas Development, is a United Kingdom-based international aid agency working to alleviate poverty and suffering in developing countries. It is funded by the Catholic community in England and Wales, the UK government and the general public.

CAFOD's aims are to promote long-term development; respond to emergencies; raise public awareness of the causes of poverty; speak out on behalf of poor communities; and promote social justice in witness to Christian faith and gospel values.

CAFOD is an agency of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales and part of the Caritas International Federation which operates in over 200 countries and territories worldwide.


[edit] Mission statement

CAFOD's mission statement describes its vision, mission and values as follows:

[edit] Vision

Drawing inspiration from Scripture, Catholic social teaching and the experiences and hopes of people who are poor, marginalised, or oppressed, CAFOD is committed to building a world free from poverty and injustice where:

  • the rights and dignity of each person are respected, discrimination is ended and all are gathered into a single human community from which no one is excluded.
  • the good things of creation are developed and shared by all, and the structures that rule people’s lives express justice and enable peace.
  • the lives and choices of rich and poor alike have been transformed by solidarity.
  • all have access to food, clean water, shelter and security; to a livelihood, health and education; all can participate in shaping their societies and their world.

[edit] Mission

CAFOD’s stated mission is "to promote human development and social justice in witness to Christian faith and Gospel values". To fulfil this mission CAFOD raises funds from within the Catholic community and beyond so that it can:

  • work alongside people in need to reduce poverty and bring about sustainable change through development and humanitarian programmes.
  • increase understanding of the causes of poverty and injustice and encourage the Catholic community to embrace values, attitudes and lifestyles that are rooted in the gospel.
  • challenge governments and international bodies to adopt policies that promote social justice and end poverty. This is done both directly and by rallying the Catholic community.

[edit] Values

The values that CAFOD declares as inspiring its work are:

[edit] Compassion

  • Confronted by global poverty and suffering, CAFOD describes its fundamental response as "compassion". CAFOD is deeply affected by the suffering of those it describes as "our brothers and sisters in the global family" and exists, alongside them, to take action to alleviate it.

[edit] Solidarity

  • CAFOD exists to stand alongside poor and marginalised communities in solidarity, uniting them in prayer, sharing their cause and sharing resources, supporting them in their advocacy and challenging the policies and systems which keep them poor.

[edit] Partnership

  • CAFOD exists to build partnership between poor communities internationally and its supporters in England and Wales, recognising "the importance of learning from and trusting each other, of receiving as well as giving, and of working alongside each other to change our world".

[edit] Environmental justice

  • CAFOD recognises the intimate relationship between protecting and sustaining the environment and promoting human development. It aims to take proper account of ecological sustainability in its work and lifestyle.

[edit] Stewardship

  • CAFOD strives to exercise good stewardship of all the resources to which it has been entrusted, to be openly accountable for its work, systematic in evaluating its impact and effectiveness and professional in managing its resources.

[edit] Hope

  • CAFOD describes its value of "hope" as being "inspired by Christian faith and by the strength and resourcefulness" of its partners and their communities. CAFOD's stated vision is that a better world can and must be achieved so that all can enjoy "fullness of life".

[edit] Dignity

  • CAFOD expresses a belief in the "intrinsic dignity of every person". CAFOD works with all people regardless of race, gender, religion or politics, and seeks to be an inclusive diverse organisation which "celebrates difference and creates relationships of mutual respect".

[edit] External links