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('Caesar J. B. Squitti) son of Mariann Rosso+Bertucci of Simbario Calabria Italy and Arthur Natale Squitti of Port Arthur, Ontario Canada, now Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
Wrighter, researcher who discovered a negative side to truth, anti-truths, and wrighter of (The Jesus Christ Code. The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truth. © ) expanding the definition of 'truth' , 'half-truth' and 'lie' together with a new philosophy "Thinking In Color ©".
Most notable discoveries include a mathematical definition for God, multi-dimensinal math, the duality of truth, the relative/absolute nature of minor truths, and the many negative faces to truth; anti-truths, that may be the original sin from the Garden of Eden.
Related research includes identifying many of the half-truth models being used in politics, health care and social programs that are polarizing society and creating paradoxical problems.