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('Caesar J. B. Squitti) son of Mariann Rosso+Bertucci of Simbario Calabria Italy and Arthur Natale Squitti of Port Arthur, Ontario Canada, now Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.

 Caesar J. B. Squitti
Caesar J. B. Squitti

Wrighter, researcher who discovered a negative side to truth, anti-truths, and wrighter of (The Jesus Christ Code. The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truth. © ) expanding the definition of 'truth' , 'half-truth' and 'lie' together with a new philosophy "Thinking In Color ©".

Most notable discoveries include a mathematical definition for God, multi-dimensinal math, the duality of truth, the relative/absolute nature of minor truths, and the many negative faces to truth; anti-truths, that may be the original sin from the Garden of Eden.

Related research includes identifying many of the half-truth models being used in politics, health care and social programs that are polarizing society and creating paradoxical problems.

The Jesus Christ Code.©