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[edit] Confusing

The references to poetry work for me. On the other hand, the second sentence: "It is also used in musical notation as a complete cessation of musical time," is completely confusing. Does this mean a pause? Or does it mean the music stop indefinitely? Does it refer to the silence and -- if so -- how long is the silence?

[edit] Confusing

There's no explanation for how the caesura serves the poetry itself.

[edit] Confusing

Particularly the first sentence of Section 1.1. Way too many parenthetical insertions have made it unintelligible. Elsewhere, it's never explained explicitly that '||' denotes a caesura, and it's unclear whether this symbol is part of the verse as the author wrote it, or has been added later to point out the caesura. Also see the comment above. -- Super Aardvark 23:39, 3 November 2005 (UTC)

[edit] not clear

I donĀ“t understand if a C. comes when a syllable is omitted, which otherwise would have to be there, or if it is just a pause.

[edit] opinion


[edit] Misses the point

Article does not say why a caesura may be used, article more a definition than a description Bourega 19:25, 14 November 2006 (UTC)