Talk:Cabbage roll

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[edit] Merge proposal

I propose to merge all international varieties into single article as they do not differ too much and the differences can be explained using one or two sentences in a bullet list or a section (like for the Polish myth). It is obvious from the inter-wiki links that it is all about the same. The winner in the inter-wiki competition is - all articles point to the same article there which is about ... purely Ukrainian food Image:Smile.png.

(AFAIK) In many cuisines the recipe does not change that much whether it is cabbage or vine leaves to be used (including Bulgaria where I am from) which might serve as a justification to even merge everything to Dolma but it goes too far and I am unsure whether it would be accepted by the community. -- Goldie (tell me) 09:57, 18 July 2006 (UTC)

Goldie is right--there is, indeed the question on where to stop. For instance you could concievably also merge dolma with all other dishes which contain minced meat or a similar composition into a single article: Minced meat food. Just one step further, you end up with a single article for all things edible: Food. Personally, I don't think the current structure needs changing, but I won't go out in the streets if a decision is reached towards merging. --Gutza T T+ 10:25, 21 July 2006 (UTC)

OK, I can feel the sarcasm, it nearly can be cut in slices. However I would ask for permission to correct you - maybe the intermediate step should be "dishes with rice" as some sarmale are also vegetarian :-) I am finding the word sarma/sarmale in 3 out of 4 articles.
I personally do not think Bulgarian sarma differs that much from Romanian sarmale while they in fact can be found both with cabbage and with vine leaves. The reason why I propose to put (IMnsHO artificially) a border between cabbage roll and dolma is that in few languages the word "dolma" does denote specifically the Turkish/Greek dish vs. local recipe. You can see for example the proposed "Kåldolmar" (which in Swedish means "cabbage dolma") or the vast number of Russian "Голубцы" ([1]) vs. ru:Толма. Goldie (tell me) 20:19, 22 July 2006 (UTC)

Sorry, didn't mean to be sarcastic--I simply meant to illustrate what I said: there is a question on where to stop merging. I deliberately went too far with the Food "suggestion", but that honestly was only meant for illustrative purposes.

Regarding the topic at hand, I fully agree about the quadruple similarity (RO/cabbage, RO/vine, BG/cabbage, BG/vine); I'm also convinced this is not a peculiarity of RO/BG--rather, I assume many countries in the region share the similarity. And finally, I also agree with your comment on keeping the articles separate. As a matter of fact, I happened to have agreed with you from the start; I'm starting to think that either you misread my previous comment, or that my tone of voice failed to conceive the intended meaning. --Gutza T

My great-grandmother made kåldolmar for dinner when I was a kid. I am not in favor of the merge because doing so would deprive some foods of their uniqueness and identity. There is merit to the point that kåldolmar is a variant of a cabbage roll, but when I searched for kåldolmar just a few minutes ago I'm glad that I didn't have to read a long blurb about cabbage rolls instead.

T+ 04:14, 23 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Savory

In the first sentence, what does savory mean? There are several definitions, and only some would be appopriate. I recommend the use of a more precice word to avoid confusion. --Muéro 00:42, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Merge Proposal not adopted

No action after several months -- cross linked to and from each suggested merger as compromise step