Cable & Deadpool

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Cable & Deadpool

Cover to Cable & Deadpool #5
Art by Mark Brooks

Publisher Marvel Comics
Schedule Monthly
Format Ongoing
Publication dates 2004 to present
Main character(s) Cable
Creative team
Writer(s) Fabian Nicieza
Creator(s) Cable:
Rob Liefeld
Louise Simonson
Rob Liefeld
Fabian Nicieza

Cable & Deadpool is a comic book published by Marvel Comics beginning in 2004. The title characters, Cable and Deadpool, share the focus of the book. The series was launched following the cancellation of the characters' previous ongoing solo series. The book's mix of humor, action, and intricate plotting have won it a devoted fanbase.


[edit] Main Characters

  • Cable is Nathan Dayspring Askani’son Summers, time-traveling son of Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor (a clone of Jean Grey). Cable, knowing what the future could be, is trying to bring about a better world.
  • Deadpool is Wade Wilson ('the merc with a mouth'), a mercenary for hire. Deadpool, although sometimes unwittingly, is helping to further Cable's plans.

[edit] Minor / Recurring Characters

  • The Black Box (Garabed Bashur) - One time information broker, Black Box now works for Cable in hopes of changing the world.
  • Domino - Former confidant, lover, and teammate of Cable, Domino knows Cable better than most and is scared of what might happen if he succeeds.
  • Prester John - Time-displaced from the past, Prester operates Providence's multi-religious studies program.
  • Johann Kriek - Former Interpol operative, Johann is now the Chief of Security for Providence.
  • Irene Merryweather - Former reporter for the Daily Bugle, Irene is now the Chief of Staff on Providence and Cable's Chronicler.
  • Rabbi Rosen - A Rabbi aboard Providence, Rosen tends to offer advice where he can.
  • Weasel - A technological genius and one of Deadpool's best friends, Weasel aids in some of Deadpool's activities.

[edit] Features

[edit] Recap Page

Beginning with issue #11, Cable & Deadpool opens up each book with a unique recap page. This page, usually in the voice of Deadpool, breaks the fourth wall, and literally talks to the audience. Keeping with the book's tone, the recap page is usually funny, oftentimes with Deadpool having to explain what the fourth wall is to other characters on the page.

[edit] Dear Deadpool

Issue #13 saw the start of Dear Deadpool, a letters page seemingly hosted by Deadpool himself. Like the recap page, Dear Deadpool is often comical and has Deadpool breaking the fourth wall. In this section, Deadpool frequently refers to not only the characters in this comic, but often mentions (and makes fun of) the creators, as well as various conventions of Marvel Comics and the comics industry in general. A running gag features Deadpool's excitement over a typical feature of comic book fan letters, a numbered list of questions, prompting the response, "Ooh, numbered questions!"

[edit] Story Arcs

If Looks Could Kill” (issues #1-6) brings Cable and Deadpool together (literally). In this first story arc, Deadpool is hired by “The One World Church” to steal a virus that will allow them to turn everyone on Earth blue. Meanwhile, Cable is trying to figure how to best use his newly enhanced mutant powers to help change the world. Through a series of events, both Cable and Deadpool end up back at “The One World Church” where they are both infected by the virus. In order for them both to survive, Cable absorbs and then throws up Deadpool which ends up mixing their DNA. Cable eventually takes control of the virus and uses it to turn the entire world pink. A couple of days later, Cable restores everyone to their original color, and takes credit for this calling himself their ‘Saviour.’ During this, Cable uses his enhanced powers to rebuild his space station Greymalkin which includes a teleportation system. Because of the mixing of their DNA, both Cable and Deadpool can teleport, but when one does it takes the other with him.

In “The Burnt Offering” (issues #7-10, originally known as The Passion of the Cable), Cable continues with his plan to espouse a philosophy of moderation, and offers invitations to the world's top thinkers, scientists and philosophers to live on Providence (the recently rebuilt Greymalkin) in the face of a nervous S.H.I.E.L.D.. Delivering a stark message to the world's leaders, he deliberately sets them all against himself by threatening to throw their missiles into the sun. Meanwhile, the X-Men, including Cable’s father Cyclops, hire Deadpool to gather pieces of a mini-teleporter in order to stop Cable. After they mounted an attack on Providence, Cable confesses to Deadpool that he'd wanted to be killed in order to set an example of how the world could work together, even if it was against him. After being injured by the Silver Surfer, Cable has Deadpool use the mini-teleporter to lobotomise Cable in order to save him from burning out as X-Man had. With the last of his powers, Cable left the world a final message of what the world could be if everyone tried a bit harder to make it a better place.

Cover to Cable & Deadpool #12Art by Patrick Zircher
Cover to Cable & Deadpool #12
Art by Patrick Zircher

During “Thirty Pieces” (issues #11-12), Deadpool goes on a quest to save Cable’s life. After obtaining a techno-organic alien from MODOK, Deadpool tracks down the Fixer in hopes that he will be able to fix Cable. Along the way, Deadpool battles Agent X who was hired by what appears to be a religious organization to track Deadpool in order to prevent the ‘resurrection’ of Cable. After having the alien grafted to his body, Cable, who is comatose and trapped in a dreamscape with the Six Pack, overcomes the alien’s brain and heals himself, though he still extremely depowered.

“A Murder in Paradise” (issues #13-14) starts on Providence with the murder mystery of Haji Bin Barat, the world’s most wanted terrorist. Deadpool insists on being involved in the investigation, but Irene Merryweather takes charge. Eventually Deadpool, and everyone else, realizes that he was the only person that could have killed Barat. Following a fight with Prestor John, Cable confronts Deadpool, who admits he cannot remember killing Barat. Although Cable wants to help Deadpool, he tells him he has to leave the island until he gets back from a mission with X-Force. Deadpool leaves Providence in search of the Black Box whom he hopes can find away to kill him.

From Cable & Deadpool #17Art by Patrick Zircher
From Cable & Deadpool #17
Art by Patrick Zircher

“Enema of the State” (issues #15-18) takes place after the end of the X-Force miniseries where Cable vanished after defeating the mutant-hunting Skornn. After finding and being brainwashed by the Black Box to kill Cable, Deadpool returns to Providence where he finds Siryn and Cannonball who are also looking for Cable. With the help of Forge, Deadpool uses a modified version of the teleportation device to track down Cable through various dimensions with Siryn and Cannonball following three minutes behind. The group travels through these dimensions finding Cable as a Horseman of Apocalypse (War); a messiah-like, benevolent dictator; and the central conscience of a Phalanx invasion of Earth. Finally in the House of M reality, Deadpool finds a baby version of Cable in the care of Mister Sinister. After the House of M reality fades, Cable starts to age and his memory is restored. He then burns out his restored powers to ‘fix’ Deadpool’s mind. With Cable depowered and still in his teens, Deadpool teleports them both to Intercourse, PA.

"Why, When I Was Your Age..." (issue #19) picks up with Deadpool taking Cable to Intercourse, PA with hopes that the city will live up to its name. While at a bar, Cable talks about growing up in the future, and Deadpool discusses the death of his father. At the end of the night, Cable is fully aged, and neither of the two wish to discuss what actually happened in their past.

In "Bosom Buddies" (issues #20-23), Deadpool is hired to steal the Dominus Objective, a secondary hard drive that acts like a virus that acts like a server. While Deadpool is out to steal the Objective, he ends up fighting both the B.A.D. Girls, Luke Cage and Iron Fist only to discover that the Dominus Project has already been stolen. Later, The B.A.D. Girls confront Shen Kuei (The Cat) who actually stole the Dominus Objective. The Cat reveals to them it was the Black Box who hired him originally, though it was Cable who paid him except, as well as who hired them and Deadpool. In the final confrontation, Cable links with Dominus Project which gives him a new power similar to his telepathy. When everything is settled, Black Box decides to work for Cable.

In "Sticky Situations" and "Living Legends" (issues #24 & 25), Deadpool is hired to steal plans for a secret government project called the "Cone of Silence", which was originally designed as a force field to cut off Providence from the rest of the world. During his escapades, Deadpool ends up briefly fighting Spider-Man before finally getting the plans. After realizing that it was probably Cable who had the plans stolen, Nick Fury sends Captain America to infiltrate Providence. Captain America finds providence to be a peaceful place and learns of Cable's past and his plans to change the future. During a fight between Cable and Captain America, Cable reveals that he has used the "Cone of Silence" to create a technological replacement for his telekinesis.

In “Born Again” (issues #26 & 27), the story reveals the hidden past connections between Apocalypse and Cable, specifically that it was Cable who infected Apocalypse with the techno-organic virus that Apocalypse would pass on to Cable as an infant.

In "The Domino Principle" (issues #28 & 29), Cable employs Deadpool to remove Flag-Smasher as the ruler of Rumekistan. Flag-Smasher had become ruler in the mini-series Citizen V & The V-Battalion: The Everlasting, also written by Fabian Nicieza. The coup becomes complicated with the separate interferances of Citizen V and Cable's old love interest, Domino. Although Cable successfully manipulates Domino into assassinating Flag-Smasher, he finds his own resolve shaken when faced with his ex-lover's doubts about his agenda.

In the recent "Civil War" story arc, Deadpool has been given the job of hunting down super-powered individuals who have not signed the Superhuman Registration Act. There is a confrontation between Cable and Deadpool in which Cable reveals that he will be fostering superheroes in Providence. When Cable meets Captain America to extend this offer, Cap refuses. Cable tries to convince him by revealing what he knows about the Secret Avengers' secret identities. This gesture does not go unnoticed by Deadpool, who is watching them from a nearby rooftop and notes Daredevil's new identity. He attacks Daredevil in a warehouse, and is himself attacked by members of the Secret Avengers and the Young Avengers. Cable attepts to intervene and convince Deadpool to join their cause by offering him a bigger paycheck (and when Deadpool refuses, a bigger badge). This fails when Deadpool tries to shoot Cable with tranquilizer darts, which Cable deflects into Wade's face. Wade wakes up bound and gagged in the warehouse before Cable reappears, setting him free and taking him along to the White House to meet with the American President about the possible reprocussions of the superhero registration act. When the President orders hostilities on Cable, he and Deadpool shift out before anyone can get harmed. They arrive in the countryside, where Deadpool attacks Cable. After a brief fight, Cable reveals the fight to have been staged and televised in order to lose Deadpool his job as a government agent. The arc ends with a very uneasy truce between the two men.

In "Six Packs and Powder Kegs" (issue 33 - ?) story arc, a massive explosions rocks Cable's island paradise of Providence. Bodysliding back from Rumekistan (which he has been working to install democracy within), Cable finds that a saboteur may still be hidden on the island. His search for the bomber is stopped when he finds reports that the United States, along with several European allies, have sent the mercenary group Six Pack into Rumekistan to disrupt the peace. Cable arrives and attempts to stop the group, only to note that there are five members present. The mysterious sixth member and the terrorist bomber on Providence? Deadpool, who shoots Cable in the back of the head while his personal force field is down. Cable is knocked unconscious, but not killed. Domino is upset at Deadpools actions, and the Six Pack leaves Cable lying in the street. He is recovered by the citizens of the city while the Six Pack plan to de-power the country goes through. While news reports of the happeneings in both Rumekistan and Providence are aired, Cable's seemingly unconscious body seems to take power from one of the few remaining sources, the hospital that his citizens weere taking him to. Cable's body levitates, and he ends up using his technology to repair the damage done by the Six Pack. Conscious again, he tracks down the Six Pack. Domino asserts that Cable acts as if he'd planned the entire thing from the start. Cable tells them that in order to do so, he'd need the ability to read minds or at least be "able to predict the future." Telling Deadpool to "Get the Hell out of my country and never come back!" he throws Deadpool from Rumekistan, while keeping the rest of the Six Pack disabled. He then has Domino explain the happeneings on TV, while Deadpool thinks it was all to punish him for opposing Cable during the Civil War. Cable and Domino then share a kiss. In the letters page, Deadpool is upset at his depiction on the next issue's cover, and asserts that it should be both an epilogue to this arc and a prologue to the next arc which should center around him.

[edit] Creators

[edit] Writers

[edit] Artists

[edit] Collections

Cable & Deadpool has been collected in the following trade paperbacks:

Title Material collected Publication Date ISBN
Volume 1: If Looks Could Kill Cable & Deadpool #1-6 December 2004 ISBN 0-7851-1374-6
Volume 2: The Burnt Offering Cable & Deadpool #7-12 May 2005 ISBN 0-7851-1571-4
Volume 3: The Human Race Cable & Deadpool #13-18 November 2005 ISBN 0-7851-1763-6
Volume 4: Bosom Buddies Cable & Deadpool #19-24 March 2006 ISBN 0-7851-1869-1
Volume 5: Living Legends Cable & Deadpool #25-29 August 2006 ISBN 0-7851-2041-6

[edit] Bibliography

  • Cable & Deadpool #1 - present (May 2004 - present, Marvel Comics)

[edit] External links