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Deftly-D performing with a metal grinder as part of Pneumatic Detach at C.O.M.A.
Deftly-D performing with a metal grinder as part of Pneumatic Detach at C.O.M.A.

C.O.M.A. is a yearly weekend underground music festival held in Montreal, Canada, featuring industrial, power electronics, noise and other dark electronic musicians and DJs. There are both independent and signed bands who are booked to play, as well as many vendors for music and related paraphernalia. Featured record labels and noteworthy companies include: Ant-Zen, Geska Records, .Angle.Rec., Cyclic Law, and Force of Nature Records.

[edit] C.O.M.A. lineups by year


Converter | Iszoloscope | Paratonerf | PerfectionPlastic


Pneumatic Detach | Re_agent | Scrapedx | Prospero | Fractured | QCHC | Pine Tree State Mind Control | Iszoloscope | Displacer | S:Cage | PerfectionPlastic | Stendeck | LCEDP
DJs: DJ Peter Lee

2006 (March 24-26)

Grendel | Headscan | Re_agent | Stendeck | Fractured | Famine | Memmaker | DYM | Iszoloscope | Scrapedx | Terrorfakt | Pneumatic Detach + It-Clings | Prospero | Autoclav 1.1 | Cervello Elettronico | PerfectionPlastic | LCEDP | Sorehead | Ad·ver·sary | Cenotype | Vromb | The Law Rah Collective | Displacer | Monstrare featuring Cordell Klier | Szkieve | S:Cage | Liar's Rosebush | Kriss | Visions | Grkzgl | Pine Tree State Mind Control |Blackpaps
DJs: DJ leslie | DJ Peter Lee | Twiin

2007 (April 6-8)


[edit] External links