Buffy the Vampire Slayer filming locations

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Many scenes in the movie and television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer were shot on locations in and around Los Angeles, California.


[edit] Schools

In the 1992 motion picture version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer starring Kristy Swanson, Marshall High School at 400 Tracy Street in Los Angeles provided locations for Hemery High School.

Torrance High School

After the events of that movie, Buffy Summers was expelled from Hemery and moved to Sunnydale, where she attended Sunnydale High School, whose exterior scenes were shot at Torrance High School at 2200 W. Carson Street in Torrance, California.

During the fourth season of the show, Buffy and her friends Willow Rosenberg and Daniel "Oz" Osbourne attended the fictional University of California at Sunnydale. Exterior shots used in the series were filmed at the actual University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) campus in Westwood, at California State University, Northridge, and at the CF Braun Business Park at 1000 S. Fremont Street, Alhambra. In later seasons, the Cal State Northridge exteriors were used for the new Sunnydale High School where Buffy's younger sister Dawn was a student, rebuilt after the original high school was blown up.

[edit] Residences

The house used for exterior shots of Buffy’s fictional Revello Drive residence is a real house in Torrance, California, three blocks north of Torrance High School.

Griffith Park
Griffith Park

The mansion occupied by vampires Angel, Drusilla and Spike in the second season (and by Angel in the third) is the Ennis-Brown house, designed by the celebrated architect Frank Lloyd Wright. It stands on a hilltop at 2607 Glendower Avenue in Griffith Park.

[edit] Cemeteries

A makeshift cemetery was set up in the parking lot of the show’s studios in Santa Monica, and many cemetery scenes were filmed at the Angelus-Rosedale Cemetery at 1831 W. Washington Boulevard, to the south of Los Angeles’ Koreatown.

[edit] Other locations

Other Buffy locations include:

[edit] External links

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