
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Little bit about me...


[edit] Languages

NCIS This user deserves a smack upside the head.
en-us-mn This user can speak Minnesotan.
LE-1 This user's been known to screw up the occasional sentence and make the occasional typo, but is otherwise pretty accurate with regards to English.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.
C++ This user can program in C++.

java This user can program in Java.
sql This user uses SQL queries to locate car keys.
vb This user is a Visual Basic programmer.
<html> This user can write HTML.

[edit] Wikipedia

This user maintains a strict policy advising against all personal attacks.
del This user is a Wikipedia deletionist.
vanity This user supports the removal of Vanity pages with extreme prejudice.
linkspam This user despises linkspam, and will terminate it on sight, as well as any other spam by the contributor.
This user stands against advertisements on Wikipedia.
This user reserves the right to completely screw up his or her edits.
This user believes that process is important on Wikipedia and is opposed to its circumvention.
This user assumes good faith.

[edit] Personal information

MS This user is an employee of The Microsoft Corporation
This user is a pirate. Arrr!
\int e^x dx | I | N | T | E | G | R | A | L | S |

My antiderivative

AAs This user has an Associate of Applied Science degree.
met? This user prefers metric units, but, having grown up in the U.S., cannot relate to them.
This user is working on publishing a book.
This user is a certified Private aircraft pilot, and has earned an Instrument rating.
This user is an aviation enthusiast
This user is interested in military aircraft and their history.

This user is interested in World War II

This user is interested in the history of the Cold War.
This user enjoys skygazing and astronomy.
gtr-3 This user is an advanced guitarist.
This user likes all types of music.
This user's favourite subject is Information Communication Technology.
\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}{1 \over i^2} This user is an advanced mathematician.
This user is interested in firearms and is generally knowledgeable about them.
This user enjoys electronics or is an electronics hobbyist.
This user's time zone is UTC-6.
This user is from North Dakota.
This user is of multiple ancestries.
DYS This user is Dyslexic.
C2H6O-2 This user drinks occasionally.
This user bows down before the awesome might of Vodka.
Beer respects me.
MST3K This user is a MSTie.
CSI This user follows the evidence.
BSG This user is a fan of the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series.
This user is a Browncoat.
We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty.
Donut This user believes that it's not pink; it's lightish red!
SNL This user would like to give some important advice on surviving a from New York, it's Saturday Night!!
trek This user is mildly embarrassed to have a Star Trek userbox, but really, who are they kidding?
AMG This user is a Ah! My Goddess! fan.
あ! Sata Andagi, Sata Andagi! This user loves Azumanga Daioh.
PC This user has a persocom.
CB This user is a Space Cowboy.

[edit] Computing

gk This user is a geek.
MCP This user is a Microsoft Certified Professional
MOUS This user is a certified Microsoft Office User Specialist
A+ This user is a A+ Certified Computer Technician
Network+ This user is Network+ Certified
IT Hello, IT , have you tried turning it off and on again? Are you sure it's plugged in?!
fark This user is a farker.
BS-0 This person does not understand Bullshit (or understands it with considerable difficulties or does not wish to communicate in Bullshit).
du-1 This user does not wish to speak or hear dumbass, but is resigned to the necessity of at least understanding it in an environment of massive collaboration.
This user has a profile on MySpace as Bschott.
This user maintains a blog at YouTube.
This user uses P2P file-sharing services unashamedly.
This user has more monitors than the Nebuchadnezzar.
This user uses mIRC for chatting on IRC.
This user contributes using Adobe Photoshop.
This user uses Azureus.
Firefox This user prefers Mozilla Firefox.
This user contributes using Microsoft Windows XP.
This user sits safely behind an OpenBSD firewall.
This user contributes using Linux.
Sol This user contributes using Solaris
Be This user contributes using BeOS
This user contributes using Debian.
w/l This user has a dual boot configuration.

64 This user uses an AMD64 processor
This user allows their neighbors to use their wireless internet connection.