Brother Grimm

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This article is about the DC Comics character, for the Marvel Comics characters, Brothers Grimm, who sometimes acted individually as "Brother Grimm," see Brothers Grimm (comics)

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Created by Geoff Johns, Brother Grimm in the DC universe is the son of an evil king from Eastwind (a fairy tale land) and a villain of The Flash (Wally West). His powers include sensing the use of the Speed Force, meaning that, whenever he and Wally face off, Wally must remain at normal speeds or Grimm will be able to anticipate his moves. He once took over Keystone City and made its denizens into his loyal subjects and hypnotized Linda into being his damsel. He was defeated by the Flash, along with Captain Cold and Mirror Master. He returned some while later, attempting to replace the Flash once more, this time planting a beanstalk in the center of Keystone City and taking Linda to the top. However, thanks to the aid of Hawkman, Wally was able to rescue Linda and defeat Grimm while Hawkman destroyed the beanstalk (Hawkman later hinted that, in a past life, he had fought a giant ancestor of Grimm's, thus inspiring the tale of "Jack and the Beanstalk").

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