Broad Bottom Ministry

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[edit] The Ministry

First Lord of the Treasury Henry Pelham 1744–1746
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Lord Chancellor The Lord Hardwicke 1744–1746
Lord President of the Council The Duke of Dorset 1744–1746
Lord Privy Seal The Lord Gower 1744–1746
Secretary of State for the Southern Department The Duke of Newcastle 1744–1746
Secretary of State for the Northern Department The Earl of Harrington 1744–1746
Master-General of the Ordnance The Duke of Montagu 1744–1746
First Lord of the Admiralty The Duke of Bedford 1744–1746
Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland The Duke of Argyll 1744–1746
Secretary of State for Scotland The Marquess of Tweeddale 1744–1746
Lord Chamberlain of the Household The Duke of Grafton 1744–1746
Master of the Horse The Duke of Richmond 1744–1746