Brian Thornton

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Brian "Vegas" Anthony Thornton (born October 19, 1979, in Colorado Springs, Colorado) is a professional technology business entrepreneur and humanitarian in the United States, currently involved with many Las Vegas and Southern California based technology companies. He is known for being one of the founder of global internet property, DoubleClick. Nicknamed "Vegas" by friends while residing in Las Vegas, Thornton is well-recognized for his humanitarian, volunteerism in the community, and technology business development.


[edit] Early life

As a child, Thornton grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada. Thornton and his mother Twila moved many times. He attended many elementary, secondary, and high schools and graduated high school from Trinity Christian School in Las Vegas.

In January 2005 after the southern asian tsunami struck Sri Lanka, Thornton traveled to Sri Lanka and spent 4 months assisting with the relief efforts along with a loosley gathered group he led, Sri Lanka Outreach. Among the groups work, orphanages and small villages, and churches were proided wit physcal, non physical and developmental assistance. He returned to the US to address family issues.

Months after returning to Las Vegas from Sri Lanka he met Leanne Kelker, a recent graduate from Indiana University and Clark County School District school teacher. They are currently engaged.

[edit] Business and Education

Created the first Post Click Tracking (PCT) system available for enterprise business, Thornton co-founded as a technology business. In September of 1998, after high school graduation, assisted in the company devlopment and move in Boulder, Colorado. In May of 2000, the company was acquired by DoubleClick, and Thornton joined the newly formed email division along with offline data provider Abacus Direct. With team, Thornton later created the DART email products suite.

In July of 2001 Thornton assisted with the US government for the development of congressionaly required ELMS and EPRWEB systems. These systems provide a centralized collection and report of enviromental standards within the 4000 naval military installations worldwide.

In 2002-03, Thornton provided technology for internet technology company

In September of 2003 Thornton assisted MIT startup Akamai and TraderWeb through business development and technology development.

In 2005, Thornton co developed online learning systems for Global Training Technologies, now eVital Communications.

Thornton is currently developing campus technology for the National Association of Heavy Equipment Training Schools in Atlanta, Georgia, Okhlahoma City, OK and Las Vegas, NV

[edit] Awards

  • 1998Webby Award e-mail Technolgoy
  • 1998 — Wired Technology That "Speaks"
  • 2005 — Las Vegas Review Journal, Humanitarian of the Year

[edit] See also

[edit] Links