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BowieChick (real name Melody Oliveria, born 7 August 1988) is the author of the popular video entitled "My Webcam", which includes her showing off her Logitech webcam. "My Webcam", which to date has been viewed 33,511 times (as of November 12, 2006), has raised significant publicity as it is said to help with Logitech's sales.[citation needed] Another one of her popular videos is called "Breakup". She also shows off her webcams cool features as she talks about her experiencing a recent breakup. She recently made a remake to this video called "Re: Breakup", were she makes fun of herself and shows off her webcam the exact same way she did in the original "Breakup" video.[1][2][3]


[edit] Selected videos

BowieChick does not only sit in front of her webcam talking about her life, but she enjoys acting in videos and making music videos for some of her favorite songs. One recent video, titled "Sucks.", has caused quite a riot. In this video, BowieChick appears to be in a terrible condition. She is in tears and tells a story about a girl recognizing her in public and trying to start a fight. Though BowieChick states in the video description that it is fake and she is just acting, many people are still tricked. Those that read the description are raving about how the video still moved them, even though they knew she was acting, saying her "acting is amazing". Another video, "Alex and Lindsay", includes a good friend named Lindsay. BowieChick is dressed as a guy named "Alex" and uses her video editing program to lower her voice. BowieChick says that the character Alex is somewhat of an inside joke with her and her friends. BowieChick also got the YouTube community involved in one of her music videos. She requested that people on the site would lip synch to John Lennon's classic song "Imagine". The video includes a variety of people trying to get the same message across. "In Cold Blood - For school" is a video BowieChick made for a school project. Even though it is possible she hasn't read the book, she makes a funny advertisement for the book while interviewing... herself. She dressed up as different stereotypical characters and she asked those characters if they have read the book In Cold Blood. She later made a video named "Gum Chewing Girl", in which she took a character from her ICB video and made a full video with just this character. BowieChick's lip synching music videos also include: David Bowie's "Little Wonder", David Bowie's "Baby Grace (A Horrid Cassette)", Bowie's "Magic Dance", Bowie's "African Night Flight" (Which also stars her friend Lindsay), Bowie's "Changes" (Which also stars her friend Celsie), Reba McEntire's "Love Needs a Holiday" (Which ONLY has her friend Celsie)

[edit] Notable publications

Bowiechick was featured on CBS's Nightly News on August 4, 2006.CBS NIghtly News

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Sandoval, Greg, "Teenage auteur ignites buzz about video graphics", ZDNet, April 2006
  2. ^ Sandoval, Greg, "YouTube's 'Bowiechick' and the spiders from marketing", ZDNet, April 2006
  3. ^ Schofield, Jack, "Bowiechick demos her webcam", The Guardian, March 2006

[edit] External links