Boris Adlam

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British businessman, financier and venture capitalist

Born 1966. Educated at Winchester College, Balliol College, Oxford and La Sorbonne, Paris.

Investment Banker with Lehman Brothers in New York and London. Financier with Banque Paribas and Nomura International plc. Active advising the Riksbank of Sweden during the 1993 currency crisis and subsequently adviser to the Central Bank of Denmark and the finance ministries of Belgium, Finland,Ireland,Norway, and Spain

Adlam left investment banking in 1999 and founded venture capital group Arcanum Partners Ltd and KNZ Partners in 2001. Adlam became chairman of Nexus Management Plc, the Anglo-American IT conglomerate, the same year.

Scion of the Adlam family and a gifted linguist, fluent in five languages, Boris Adlam is known to be an accomplished amateur musician who was principal cellist of the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain and member of the European Union Youth Orchestra.