Bolívar Province (Ecuador)

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Map of Bolívar Province in Ecuador.
Map of Bolívar Province in Ecuador.

Bolívar is a province in Ecuador. The capital is Guaranda.

The province is divided in 7 cantons.

Canton (Capital)

  1. Caluma (Caluma)
  2. Chillanes (Chillanes)
  3. Chimbo (Chimbo)
  4. Echeandía (Echeandía)
  5. Guaranda (Guaranda)
  6. Las Naves (Las Naves)
  7. San Miguel (San Miguel)

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Provinces of Ecuador Flag of Ecuador
Azuay | Bolívar | Cañar | Carchi | Chimborazo | Cotopaxi | Esmeraldas | Galápagos | Guayas | Imbabura | Loja | Los Ríos | Manabí | Morona-Santiago | Napo | Orellana | El Oro | Pastaza | Pichincha | Sucumbíos | Tungurahua | Zamora-Chinchipe