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Current event marker This article or section contains information about a planned or expected future tunnel.
It may contain information of a speculative nature and the content may change dramatically as the construction and/or completion of the tunnel approaches, and more information becomes available.

The Boknafjord is a Norwegian fjord located in the county of Rogaland, between the cities Stavanger and Haugesund. The fjord is shared between the municipalities of Kvitsøy, Rennesøy, Finnøy, Tysvær, Bokn and Karmøy.

There are serious plans to build a road tunnel under the Boknafjord. It will the be about 24 km long and 350 m deep, and by far the longest underwater road tunnel in the world. The government of Norway hopes to have it in operation before the year 2020. The cost is expected to be 300–400 million .

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